
Letters: RFK Jr.’s diary drama

I finally agree with a Kennedy about something: Rev. Al Sharpton gives me the creeps and has done more damage to the black cause than George Wallace (“Inside RFK’s Slam Book: Revs. Al & Jesse ‘Give Me Creeps,’ ” Sept. 9).
John Conklin
Yorktown Heights

Amusing as it may be to observe someone I’ve always regarded as a total zero sitting in judgment of others, Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s takes on some of the moldy characters who are still boring and annoying us today are quite perceptive and even profound — in a flippant-rich-kid way.
Instead of wasting time being a limousine liberal, he should write a tell-💝all tome exposing the phony-baloney critters he misspent a lifetiꦿme catering to. It’ll sell.

Rein Virkmaa

How ironic that right under the RFK Bridge — really the Triborough Bridge — on Wards Island is a sewage-processing plant. May I suggest renaming it “The RFK Jr. Sewage Plant”?
John W. Kenny

Kennedy is a trust-fund baby — he enjoys rock-star success with the ladies because he can open doors. If ever there were a reason for Occupy Wall Street to resent the privilege of the 1 percent, RFK Jr.’s unearned sexual wealth is it.
Paul Izzo
Milford, Conn.

I have never felt that an environmental activist got it so 🎃perfectly right.

RFK Jr. hit the nail on the head — Sharpton is a “buffoon” who has embarassed the black community. Jesse Jackson and his son are the personification of “dirty” and George W. Bush is and was the ultimate village “idiot.”
The shame in all of this is that RFK Jr. doesn’t have the guts to publicly stand by the truth now that it’s leaked out.
Michael Sanchez