
Smaller testicles make more loving dads: study

It’s a whole new ballgame.

Men with smaller testicles tend to be better, more loving dads, according to a manhoo🍰d-measuring study by Emory Unive𝐆rsity anthropologists.

Researchers studied brain activity of men when🍸 th🌃ey were shown pictures of their young children.

Men with big🧜ger testicles and higher testosterone levels didn’t score as highly as their smaller counterparts in brain activity that’s associated with love and nurturing behavior.

Researc🦂hers stopped short of giving the shaft to all well-endowed dads.

“I wouldn’t want to say that men with large testes are always bad fathers,” said the study’s lead author James Rilling, “but our data shoꦇw a tendency for them to be less involved in things like changing diapers, bathing children, preparing meals, taking them to the doctor and things like that.”