
The perils of an Iran nuclear deal

The White House has a🅷nnounced that President Obama might meet with Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, should it seem they could talk seriously♊ about the nuclear issue. One wonders if Obama is ready for another Russian offer to “help.”

In the case of Syria, Russian “assistance” has left the United States committed to a process that may or may not dispose of the Assad regime’s chemical weapons, in e𒈔xchange for which Obama effectively dropped his longstanding demand that “Assad must go” (as well as sacrificing any credible threat to use force to punish Bashar al-Assad for his atrocities). Syria, of course, only used the weapons to keep Assad in power.

This🌳 week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov offered a preview of Moscow’s plan for “🍃solving” the Iranian nuclear stand-off.

Fars, a news agency owned by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, quoted Lavrov about tackling the sta🧸ndoff over Iran’s nuclear program: “We have been in contact with Iranian partners and expect positive results soon.”

Lavrov mentioned the possibility of Iran “voluntarily” suspending uranium enrichment above the 20 percent lev🐭el in exchange for full recognition of its right to enrich uranium.

Lavrov’s plan offers great advantages to Iran.

First, if America buys into it, it wཧill abandon its freedom to develop a🍒 policy of its own on Iran.

Second, the five Secu𓃲rity Council resolution𝔍s imposing sanctions on Iran would be set aside.

Third, the fact that Iran has been violating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty for more than 20 years will be forgotten — just as Assad’s use of chemical wea🌄pons, a war crime and ✤a crime against humanity, is not mentioned in the Russo-American accord.

Fourth, Iran will get to keep almost all of the 4,000 kilograms of uranium it has illegally enriched. To give Obama something to chew upon, Tehran may agree to transfer to Russia the u𒁃ranium enriched to 20 percent. This would provide TV footage to𝄹 create the illusion that Obama achieved something.

Fifth, as Lavrov made clear, the Iranian move would be reciprocated by a lifting of sanctions against the Islamic Republic — including the US and European Union sanctions that go beyond those im꧅posed by the United Nations.

Finally, I﷽ran will be invited to join the Geneva-2 conference on Syria, thus having its leading role in the Middle East endorsed by both Russia and America.

The ease with which Russia managed to seize control of US policy on Syria has encoജuraged🔜 Rouhani that similar results could be obtained on the Iranian issue.

Rouhani and his advisers believe that Obama is desperate to make a deal with Tehran. “Obama is the best news for our revolution since Jimmy Carter,” says Hussein Seifi, a political consultant in Tehran. “We antagonized Ca♍rter and created problems for ourselves.”

Tehran policy circles believe that Obama was ready to concede Iran’s main demands even u🎶nder President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — but Ahmadinejad enjoyed being provoꦓcative and believed that humiliating America was more important than neutralizing it.

Rouhani rejects that method.

He has a history of direct and indirect contact with US politics. As far back as 1986, he acted as interpreter for Ayatollah Najaf Abadi in secret talks i🔯n Tehran with President Ronald Reagan’s emissary, Robert MacFarlane.

Scottish-educated, Ro🐟uhani also has British friends who advise him to seize the opportunity provided by Obama’s presidency.

Several key members of Rouhani’s Cabinet, including Foreign Minister Seyyed Muhammad-Javad Zarif, are US-educated and have spent yearꦺs living and working in the America. Rouhani’s chief of staff, Muhammad Nahavandian even has a US Green Card.

At next week’s UN General Assembly, Rouhani will be all smile꧅s and will do his utmost to appear moderate and reasonable. Lobbyists have already fixed a series of media appearances and private meetings for him, including with select Jewish figures in New York.

In the runup to his trip, Rouhani spread the m𒁏essage that his administration does not deny the Holocaust and that the end of Ahmadinejad means an end to annual Holocaust-denial conferences in Tehran organized by the Islamic Republic.

The vi🅷ew in Tehran is that, since Obama proved ready to eat humble pie on Syria,♒ he should be helped to do the same on Iran.