
De Blasio ‘fixed’ pal’s water bill on council

He was carrying their water.

Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio made it a “high𝕴 priority” to help political pal Dan Cantor of the left-leaning Working Families Party reduce an𝓰 inflated water bill of nearly $9,000, The Post has learned.

A review of de Blasio’s archives from his eight years as a m✃emb💜er of the City Council found he his staff went to great lengths seven years ago to help Cantor, a constituent at the time living in Park Slope.

The po𓄧litical party chief first contacted de Blasio’s office on Feb. 15, 2006, to complain about the enormous water charge.

A week la🐎ter, de Blasio penned a letter to Environmental Protection Commissioner Emily Lloyd to request a reduction.

“After reviewing their situation, it appears to me that they were erroneously charged $8,989,” he wr😼ote. “I would greatl🐼y appreciate it if you would investigate this matter and help us resolve it as quickly as possible.”

The correspondence was followed by a series of back-and-forth e-mails and phone calls involving Cantor, his wife Laura Marജkham, de Blasio, his staff and DEP employees. In one message, Cantor even joked that fixing the bill would save his marriage.

“Can’t believe I’m calling you about this, but I was wondering if you had a chance to look at that 🗹DEP water bill problem I sent to you. Would do wonders for my marriage if you could help m♊e here, so if you need me to resend it just let me know,” Cantor said.

De Blasio responded quickly.

“Have u worked on this Cantor issue below? If not, contact him and get details — I have not seen paཧperwork. High priority,” he instructed a staffer. The bill was eventua🍌lly reduced to $1,120 in June 2006.

De Blasio also intervened that 🐎same year to help the nephewꦆ of Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-Brooklyn) get into his school of choice, MS 51.

It was previously reported that de Blasio also intervened when constituents asked for help to dꦐismiss parking and other summonses.

A spokesman🌃 for the Democratic mayoral no𝄹minee said he was acting as an elected official responding to the needs of constituents in both instances.

“Part of his job as council member was to help people in his community ha🤡ving problems with the city’s bureaucracy,” said spokesman Dan Levitan.

De Blasio helped found the Working Families Party, and the organization’s backed him in the 2009 Public Advocate’s race — but not in this year’s Democratic primary 𝓰for mayor because of a split in the ranks.

Meanwhile, de Blasio’s fund-raising effort got a big boost when Hillary Clinton announced 𓆏she would be sponsoring an event on his behalf next month.