
NYPD lieutenant found guilty in ticket-fixing scandal

An NYPD lieutenant was fo📖und guilty Wednesday — and faces up to one year in jail — for leaking information to colleagues about ​the massive NYPD ticket-fixing scandal.

Judge Martin Marcus found ​Lt. Jennara Cobb ​guilty for divu🦹lging details of the Internal Affairs Bureau’s probe into allegations of widespread ticket-fixing in the department in 2011.

“Having heard all the evidence in this case and listening to the closing arguments … I have given much thought,” Marcus said.

He found the Bronx 𝓀cop guilty on three charges: divulging an eavesdropping warrant, official misconduct and obstruction of governmental administration.

Audience members in the courtroom gasped after Marcus read the verdict. They muttered “F–k” and “Jesus Christ.”

Wearing a brown suit and cream-colored shirt, Co♕bb showed😼 no reaction.

“We’re extremely disappointed, obviously, and we’re going to have a vigorous appeal of this verdict,” said Lou Turco, president of the Lieutenants Benevolent Association. He added that he was ” extremely surprised” by the verdict.

Cobb and her lawyers declined comment.

The ticket-fixing scandal ensnared 16 cops in 🐼2011.

Once word got out about the probe, ticket-fixing quickly stopped or became sporadic, Detective Randy Katakofsky, the inveไstigator who first went to Bronx prosecutor𝄹s with the case, said earlier this month.