
Trump admits killing ObamaCare is harder than he thought

President Trump on Monday admitted that repealing and replacing ObamaCare — one of his signature campaign promises — was going to be a lot tougher than he thought.

“I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject,” Tr🐎um✤p said in a meeting with the nation’s governors.

“Nobody k💧new that healtꦯh care could be so complicated.”

He added that overhauling the tax code was a “tiny little ant” compared to remaking the Affordable Care Act, especially with more people ܫsaying they like the plan than previously.

from last week said that 43 percen🍬t of voters liked the law while 41 percent thought it was a bad idea.

Trump theorized that ObamaCare was increasing in p🥂opularity not because people liked it, but instead because its end was near.

“People hate it, but now they see that the end is coming, and they’re saying, ‘Oh, maybe we love it,’” Trump said, without further e꧒xplanation. “There’s nothing to love. It’s a disaster, folks.”

He then speculated that it might be bett🦹er for h🐻im politically if he just allowed the system to “implode.”

“Let it be a disaster, because we can blame that on the Dems that are in our room — and we can blame that on the Democrats and President Obama,” Trump told the National Governors Association at the White House.

“But we have to do what’s right, because ObamaCare is a fail꧅ed disaster.”

Governors have raised concerns that the changes could undermine their efforts to expand Medicaid in�𒅌� their states and leave them stuck with ballooning payments.

Trump met later 🐓Monday morning with health insurance executives, some oওf whom are worried that the uncertainty over the health care law’s future is spilling into the marketplace.

Without offering specifics about what he wants in a replacement pacಌkage, Trump called on the executives to work with the government on a way forward.

“We must work together to save Americans from🎀 ObamaCare,” he said.

Sen. Charles Schumer, meanwhile, said M🔜onday the odds are “very high” that the GOP won’t be able to𒁏 muster enough votes to repeal ObamaCare.

With AP