
Joe Biden’s niece finally pays up for $100K credit card scam

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s wild-child niece has finally coughed up the $100,000 she owed from a 2ℱ016 stolen-credit-card binge at a posh Greenwich Village pharmꩵacy.

Caroline Biden, 30 — whose financier dad, James, is the ex-veep’s brother — had racked up bills totaling $1𒈔10,810.04 at Bigelow Apothecaries on Sixth Avenue.

The privileged George💎town Uni꧋versity grad had borrowed the unidentified victim’s Chase card in 2015, with permission to make a single purchase at Bigelow totaling $672, according to prosecutors.

But then she set up an unauthorized account in the card-owner’s name and went on a spending spree at the posh drugstore, where such co🐻mmon items as hairbr🉐ushes and skin creams can run into the hundreds of dollars.

She’d pleaded guilty to grand larceny in June in Manhattan Supreme Court, receiving a no-j✨ail deal.

By making court-ordered restitution on Friday, her plea deal g🍌ets even sweeter: Once she completes 10 days of community service, she’ll be able to re-plead to petit larceny.

She’ll then serve two years’ probation.

The cheerful-looking blondಌe declined comment after court Friday; ꦫshe returns on June 11.

Biden has done a stint in rehab and was buܫsted for resisting arrest and harassment aওfter a dust-up with her Tribeca roommate in 2014.