
Judge lets dog owner off easy for leaving pup in freezing car

Hey, Chihuahuas shiver!

That’s what a Manhattan lawyer argued in getting a Philadelphia college student off the hook for leaving his petite pooch, Mary, alone inside a cold parked car in Soho last m🌃onth.

“It was really a misunderstanding,” the lawyer, Julie Rendelman, said Friday after Haoyang Chen ag💯reed to a deal in which the animal-abuse misdemeanor would be dismissed and sealed provided he stay out of trouble for the next six months.

Chen, 23, will even get his little dog back.

ꦡFirst Precinct cops had broken into Chen’s car on a 10-degree night to rescue Mary. They slapped him with a summons for abandoning the ­quivering pup.

But Rendelman says that she was able to convince Manhattan prosecutors that Mary had a coat on — “two coats👍,” insists Chen — and was alone in the cold car for only an hour while Chen𝓰 did some shopping.

Mary the Chihuahua

Besꦚides, the lawyer said she had ­argued, “Chih🀅uahuas shiver.”

“T൲hat is part of our case,” the lawyer told The Post after co𒈔urt. “That Chihuahuas naturally shiver. If you look up the definition of what they do, they shiver.”

The chilly dog has been held by the ASPCA on East 92nd Street since Chen’s arrest. A spokesperson said la🗹te Friday the pu🗹p was still in its care.