US News

School shooting suspect was ‘lost in his mind’ in jail: inmate

A jailhouse neighbor of Nikolas Cruz said the Florida school shooter spent his days pacing and staring vaca﷽ntly in his cell.

“He was just ಞlost in his mಌind,” the inmate, Andrew Bryant, .

“I don’t th🅷ink 🌃he was looking at anyone, just laying down looking at the roof,” Bryant claimed.

Still, Cruz, who at the time was kept in the infirmary at the Broward🍬 Coun🦋ty Jail, didn’t strike him as nuts.

“I just hope he doesn’t plead ins𒁃anity or he gets off or anything, because, in my opinion, I don’t think he’s crazy and [he] deserves everything coming to him.”

A deputy at the jail is require♕d to check on Cruz every 15 minutes, and record observations.

Logs of these observations, released by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, indicate that Cruz makes little eye contact and often sits with a blank staওre, as if in thought.

Cruz is cooperative and coherent — and one night, asked for a Bible to read, the deputies observing him wrote.

He h🅷as met with his attorney, psychologists, investigators, his brother, and a family friend.

With his atto🦄rney, he appeared “responsive to interview, shaking his head, nodding and agreeing, forward and en𒉰gaging in the conversation,” the notes say.

Cruz is currently housed on another floor of the jail, and is being kept away fro💞m other inmates.