
Bharara throws support to Nixon for her ‘anti-corruption measure’

Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has injected himself into the governor’s race — giving a plug to Cynthia Nixon for promising to convene a new commission to combat public corruption, while rapping Gov. Cuomo for disbanding the anti-corruption panel he created years earlier.

“The rare sequel guaranteed to be better than the orꦛiginal. The first Moreland Commission never should have been disbanded and every New Yorker should support a strong anti-corruption measure like this,” , referencing Nixon’s proposal.

Nixon’s campaign issued a statement touting B🐼harara’s support of her pledge.

Nixon, the Working Families Party candidate for governor and Cuomo’s Democratic primary foe, made the anti-corruption vow after it was revealed that the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office has launched a probe🤡 into an Orange County health care company, Cr🌳ystal Run, that received more than $25 million in state grants after officers and family members contributed $400,000 to Cuomo’s re-election campaign.

Cuomo app💝ointed a Moreland Commission to examine Albany corruption in July 2013, only to close it less than a year later.

Bharara then retrieved the file💮s and pursued some of the cases, including against former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and former state Senate Majoriಞty Leader Dean Skelos.

Joseph Percoco, a former top Cuomo aide, was also indicted and convicted of corruption.