
The key players of the Mueller report

Reince Priebus

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions tried to resign on May 18, 2017, Trump convinced him not to, but held on to Sessions’ resignation letter — prompting then-White House chie♈f of staff Priebus to moan that the president had🍎 “DOJ by the throat.”

“Priebus told Sessions it was not good for the President to have the letter because it would function as a kind of ‘shock collar’ that the President could use any time he wanted,” the repor🙈t states.

Jeff Sessions

Sessions penned another resignation🐬 letter — and carried it like a talisman.

“In light of the🐼 president’s frequent public attacks, Sessions prepared another resignation letter and for the rest of the year carried it with him in h💎is pocket every time he went to the White House,” the report says.

Paul Manafort

The former Trump campaign chief “lied to [Mueller’s] Office and the grand jury” about meetings with Russian operative Konstantin Kilimnik, and “his unreliability on this subject was among the reasཧons that the district judge found that he breach🍌ed his cooperation agreement,” according to the report.

Michael Flynn

Under Trump’s direction, then-senior campaign adviser Michael Flynn “contacted multiple people in an effort to obtain the emails” deleted from Hillary Clinton’s p🌺rivate server, including GOP operative Peter Smith, who claimed “he was in contact with hackers ‘with ties and affiliations to Russia’ who had access to the emails,” the report states.

Roger Stone

The campaign adviser pinched pennies when some Ukranians offered to sell him dirt on alleged Hillary Clinton money launderi💞ng and Stone didn’t find the details juicy enough.

“Stone asked if the [allegedly laundereꦜd] amounts in question totaled millions of dollars but was told it was closer to hundreds of thousands. Stone refused the offer, stating that Trump would nඣot pay for opposition research,” the report says.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

The president’s spokeswoman lied when she swore up and down that FBI agents were dissati𝓰sfied work🅠ing under then-Director James Comey.

“Sanders acknowledged to investigators that her comments were not fo꧅unded on anything,” the report said.

Ivanka Trump

The prꦉesident’s🌠 daughter claimed she knew “literally almost nothing” about a Moscow Trump Tower plan.

But Ivanka actually “toured the . . . site during a visit to Moscow” that was led by Emin Agalarov, whose dad, Aras Agalarov, controlled the Russian real-estate conglomerate that was partnering with the Trump Organiz🐬ation, the report said.

Presidential lawyer “[Michael] Cohen also discussed the project on multiple oc๊casions with Donald Trump Jr. 🔯and Ivanka Trump,” according to the report.

Donald Trump Jr.

The ꧙president’s son admitted to accessing a Web site critical of his dad𝐆 by using a password provided to him by WikiLeaks.

“Guys I got a weird Twitter DM from WikiLeaks,” Don Jr. told senior staff in a a September 2016 e-mail. “I tried ꧋the password and it works.”

Mike Pence

“Nothing could be further from the tr🧸uth,” Pence said when asked by Fox News in 2016 if the campaign was “in cahoots” with WikiLeaks.

Don McGahn

As the White House cou♛nsel jotted down notes during a Feb. 6, 2018, Oval Office meeting, Trump quizzed him, “What about these notes? Why do you take notes? Lawyers don’t take notes. I never had a lawyer who took notes.”

McGahn fired back that he was recording the meeting because he’s 🥂a “real lawyer.”