
Trump said he was ‘f–ked’ after Mueller was appointed special counsel

President Trump said he was “f–cked” because he wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything after learning that special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to investi🐟gate Russian election meddling and possible ties to his campaign.

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f–cked,” the commander in chief said in the Oval Office, slumping back in his chair as he spoke, according to Mueller’s report, which was released Thursday.

“This is the worst thing that e🐟ver happened to me.”

He also complained bitterly about Mueller’s appointment — and said✨ it would prevent him from implement✅ing his ambitious America first agenda.

“Everyone tells me if you gﷺet one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It can 🌳take years and years and I won’t be able to do anything,” he said.

The 📖president got the news on May 17, 2017, from then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions as he met with White House counsel Don McGahn and another staffer.

After Sessions informed him that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had appointed Mueller, T꧅rump꧂ lashed out at his at his AG, a frequent target of his abuse.

“How could you let this happen J♑eff. You were supposed to protect me,” Trump declared, adding that the AG had “l൩et him down.”

Attorney General Bill Barr said Thursday that Trump neither colluded with Russia nor obstructed justice in his efforts to shut ༒down the 𒈔probe.