US News

Nancy Pelosi and Ilhan Omar team up to slam Trump, in Africa

Rep. Ilhan Omar and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi set aside the squabble between “the Squad” and House leadership — to take a shot at President Trump.

“They said ‘send her back’ but Speaker @SpeakerPelosi didn’t just make arrangements to send me back, she went back with me,” along with a photo of herself and Pelosi smiling hand-in-hand in Ghana, referring to Trump’s controversial tweet that Omar and other progressive lawmakers of color should “go back” to their countries.

“So grateful for the honor to return to Mother Africa with th💜e @TheBlackCaucus and commemorate The Year of Return! #Doorofreturn #Ghana,” continued Omar, a US citizen who came here as a child refugee from Somalia.

The pair were photographed smiling in front of the “Door of No Return” at the Cape Coast Castle in Ghana, according to P🔯elosi’s office.

It was the final portal through which many slaves passed on their way to the Americas, an🐬d the pair were visiting to mark the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the trans-At⛦lantic slave trade.

Pelosi had recently scolded Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and fellow progressive millennial lawmakers Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley for spending too much time on their phones slamming centrist Democrats on Twitter.

That prompted Ocasio-Cortez to call Pelosi “outright disrespectful” for criticizing women of color.

Pelosi and Omar’s hatchet-burying junket came after Rep. Elijah Cummings revealed last week that Oc🅺asio-Cortez and Pelosi were also healing the split.

“First of all, I had the opportunity to meet with Miss Cortez briefly to inquire as to how the mee🅺ting went with the speaker, and she said it was a great m♓eeting,” the House Oversight Committee chairman said.

“And that there was just a good feeling, she had a good feelin💯g about it and she’s moving forward. And I 🌜know the speaker is, too.”