
Video shows chaotic scene after cop car crash in Brooklyn

Dramatic video obtained by The Post shows the hectic scene in Borough Park after a police cruiser jumped onto the sidewalk and slammed in to a health food store, inꩵjuring five people – including two cops.

The video shows a dense cro🍸wd surrounding a police officer who lay motionless on the sidewalk, his head being supported by emergency responders on 13th Avenue Saturday night. The cruiser is visible with its driver-side airbag fully ✅deployed.

The acciden🎀t happened around 9:45 p.m. in front of Landau’s Healt🦋h Tree.

Surveillance vid🏅eo shows the police cruiser careening onto the sidewalk as pedestrians scatter.

Both officers and the drivers of the minivan were taken to Maimondes Hospital where they are expected to recover, poও🐎lice said.

It’s unclear ཧwho had the right of way, but police are 🍰investigating to find out who is at fault, police sources said.