US News

Ex-lawmaker: Joe Biden ‘took direct benefit’ from Hunter’s dealings

A former House lawmaker is claiming that there is “direct evidence” that President Biden “took direct benefit” from son Hunter’s business dealings.

Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) — who now works as a Fox News contributor and fellow at the Government Accountability Institute, a conservative think tank founded by Steve Bannon and Peter Schweizer — made the claim while Wednesday evening.

Chaffetz referenced Schweizer, senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News and president of the GAI, while talking about his investigative work on the younger Biden’s foreign deals.

Schweizer, Chaffetz explained, had found materials on a hard drive Hunter Biden left at a Wilmington, Del., laptop repair shop — first reported by The Post last October — that prove that the current president directly benefited from his son’s work.

“I do work with Peter, and what he’s done is he’s cross-referenced some of the data from Hunter Biden’s laptop with the Secret Service records released by [Sen. Ron] Johnson [R-Wis.] and another business associate of Hunter Biden. So they are very careful about what they’re looking at here,” Chaffetz said.

Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz claims Peter Schweizer found materials on a hard drive Hunter Biden left at a laptop repair shop that prove that President Joe Biden directly benefited from his son’s work. Fox News

“But there is direct evidence that Joe Biden himself — Joe and Jill Biden — took direct benefit by using assets and things that were purchased based on the transaction that Hunter Biden was involved in and engaged with these foreign entities,” he added.

Reps for the Bidens 🔥could not immediately bꩲe reached by The Post for comment.

In the final months of the heated 2020 presidential race, The Post revealed a trove of emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop that raised questions about his then-candidate father’s ties to his son’s foreign business ventures, 💯including Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company linked to corruption.

Peter Schweizer is senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News and president of the Government Accountability Institute. Twitter

The emails revealed that the younger Biden introduced 🍎a top Burisma executive to his father, then vice president, less than a year ℱbefore the elder Biden pressured Ukrainian officials into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

The water-damaged MacBook Pro — which 🧜bore a sticker from the Beau Biden Fo൲undation — was dropped off for repair at a Delaware computer shop in April 2019, but the individual who dropped it off never returned to pick it up.

It was seized by t♊he FBI in December of that year.

In addition to his Ukrainian connections, other emails on the computer showed Hunter discussing potential business deals with China’s largest private energy company.

One deal seemed 🎉to draw considerable attention from the younger Biden, who cal🔜led it “interesting for me and my family.”

Senate Republicans revealed the findings of their investigation into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings in September. They said the Obama administration ignored “glaring warning signs” whe๊n the then-vice president’s son joined the board of Burisma when he had no energy experience.

The computer repair shop where Hunter Biden left his laptop in Wilmington, Delaware. AFP via Getty Images

Hunter Biden’s position with t🌊he reportedly corrupt energy company — which paid him “as much as $50,000 per month” — “created an immediate potential conflict of interest” because his father was involvedꦰ in US policy toward Ukraine, the report stated.

That Senate report also found that in 2014, the younger Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the wido🐎w of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow.

Both President Biden and his son have continued to deny any wrongdoing.

Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden with Kenes Rakishev (far left) and Kazakhstan’s former Prime Minister, Karim Massimov (far right). KIAR