US News

WH press secretary Jen Psaki’s last briefing chaotic, Simon Ateba heckles

White House press secretary Jen Psaki’🦂s final briefing with reporters went off the rails Friday after one reporter repeatedly shouted a quest♔ion about fair access in the room.

As Psaki began to take questions — after fighting back tears as she thanked members of the administration and the press c🐷orps — Simon Ateba, the chief White House correspondeඣnt for Today News Africa, was heard yelling from the back of the press briefing room.

“Why don’t you take questions from across the room?” Ateba asked as Associated Press repo꧙rter Zek🌠e Miller attempted to get things started with a query about the ongoing baby formula shortage. 

“Why don’t you take questions from across the room? Because that’s not what you’ve do🐽ne for the 🐼past 15 months,” Ateba shouted again. 

Jen Psaki fought back tears as she thanked members of the administration and the press corps. AP

Psaki was not initially fazed by🍸 Ateba’s lack of decorum. However, the reporter shouted over his colleꦑagues again minutes later.

“Jen, can I ask you a question from the back?” he was heard saying. “Jen, can I ask you a question froꦬm the back?” 

As Ateba continued to speak over reporters in the front row who attempted to question Psa🦩ki, 🌠NPR’s Tamara Keith turned around and urged him to desist.

Simon Ateba is the chief White House correspondent for Today News Africa. Simon Ateba/Twitter

“Simon, please, stop,” she said. 

Ateba did not oblige and continued to shout over other reporters in the room, until Psaki finally turned to him to say, “Simon, if you💙 can respect your colleagues and other media and reporters in here, that would be greatly appreciated.”

Psaki has been criticized in the past for strictly sticking to answering questions f🌄rom reporters in the first few rows of the briefing room, often missing out on questions from outlets such as The Post, the Washington Examiner, Al Jazeera and other foreign media.

After the raucous protest, Peter Alexander of NBC News said he would voluntarily limit himself to two questions to allow more colleagues to have a turn. Front-row journalists routinely help themselves to a half-dozen queries, outraging fellow reporter🌊s who can go weeks or months without being cal🐓led on.

Historically, Wh📖ite House reporters have adhered to an informal norm of limiting exchanges to two questions.

Peter Doocy says farewell to Psaki on her final day in the White House. Peter Doocy
The room was crowded during Jen Psaki’s final briefing. Reuters

Since covering the Biden administration, Ateba has frequently sparred with Psaki — going as far to accuse her of lyi🌸ng about coronavirus-related travel restrictions in December.
“You are saying something that is false,” Ateba shouted at Psaki, speaking once again over his colleagues. 

“I just answered — Simon, I answered a question on this,” Psaki said as he continued to attempt to get his question in.“Let’s let [Voice of America reporter] Patsy [Widakuswara] ask a question,” added Psaki, who later scolded Ateba when he persisted.

“It’s not effective to scream over your colleagues in here,” the press secretary said. “Let’s — let’s — let Patsy ask the question.”

The same month, Ateba accused the restrictions of being “racist” as they targeted southern African countries. The African journalist also has a history of interrupting briefing guests, including Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Since the start of the administration, the White House has defended the access it has given to members of the press. However, at the same time, the press office has pre-screened journalists allowed within earshot of President Biden at regular events in the East Room and the White House-adjacent Eise💖nhower Executive Office Building — when comparable events were open to all journalists in prior administrations. 

Reporters asked Simon Ateba to stop shouting multiple times. Reuters

The criteria for selecting reporters allowed into those events was never explained to the White House press corps and leaders of the White House Correspondents’ Association remain in the dark.

Psaki has refused to explain the♓ criteria for choos⛎ing which reporters are allowed to attend presidential events, but the practice is believed to be a way of shaping the variety of questions presented to tওhe president. Reporters have been given a range of conflicting explanations and some major news outlets, includi💛ng The Post, are almost never permitted to attend.