
Google mistakenly cuts $250K check to tech whiz, realizes mistake one month later

A self-proclaimed hacker and security expert was sent nea🌌rly $250,000 by Google in a gaffe by the search giant – and the company failed to address the issue for almost a month even after being immedia🍸tely contacted by the dumbfounded tech whiz.

Sam Curry – a security professional at Yuga Labs, which develops NFTs and digital collectibles – saw his ﷺbank account swell by $249,999 sometime around the end of August, he said.

The bug bounty hunter often seeks out flaws and vulnerabilities in software for companies, including Google, b🐻ut said he had no𝄹t done any recent work for them.

He did not spend his unearned windfall and immediatel🐲y contacted the company, but did not hear back from Google for weeks. He stil❀l had the money in his account last Thursday, he said.

“It’s OK if you don’t want it back,” Curry tweeted.

The compa🐼ny finally acknowledged its mistake late last week and sent Curry instructions on how to return the money.

Google sign
Google finally acknowledged its mistake late last week and sent Curry instructions on how to return the money. AP

“Our team recently made a payment to the wrong party as the result of human error,” a Google spokesperson told The Post on Monday. “We appreciate that it was quickly communicated to us by the impacted partner, and we are working to correct it.”