Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine


Majority of voters, including Democrats, believe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents is a scandal

Bad news for Joe Biden a♒nd his cover-up merchants in the FBI and🎃 the media. 

A Rasmussen poll out Monday, and exclusively revealed here, shows that almost three-quarters of voters (72%) regard the president’s handling of classified records as a scandal. That includes a majo🤡rity (55%) of Democrats. 

Nearly half (48%) of all voters say it is a “major scandal,🐷” according to the national poll of 1,000 voters taken over the weekend. 

But even more damning for the president is that 60% of all voters believe it is likely that information from those classifie🤪d documents “was used by Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in his foreign business deals.” Fully 44% believe it is “𝕴very likely.” 

Among Democrats, 36% believe it is likely that Hunter used his dad’s classified files, w🍬ith more than one in five saying it is “very likely.” Not a good omen for the president’s bid for re-election. 

First-son suspicions 

Independent voters have an even darker view of the Bidens, with almost♒ two-thirds (62%) saying it is “likely” that Hunter used the classified 𝔉information, and 46% saying it’s “very likely.” Even 22% of liberal voters agree it’s likely. 

Suspicions cut across races, with an equal 59% of white and black voters, and 65% of Hispanics, believing i♐t likely that Hunter used the material for his foreign deals. ;

Asked♔ if they agree or disagree that members of the Biden family “have been influence pꦆeddling for a decade,” a majority 59% of voters agree, with 46% strongly agreeing. More than one-third of Democrats (37%) agree and almost one in five (19%) strongly agree.

The poll found that 60% of voters think it was "likely" Hunter Biden used classified information from the documents in his business deals.
The poll found that 60% of voters think it was “likely” that Hunter Biden used classified information from the documents in his business deals.

It’s been more than two years since The Post first published the story of Hunt💞er Biden’s “laptop from hell,” which was immediately censored by Twitter and Facebook, and ignored by the rest of the media. But, in the face of a concerted cover-up by the i⛎ntelligence services, the FBI and Big Tech, the truth nonetheless has seeped out, even to Democrats. 

There are several clues on the laptop that Hunter may have been selling classified information to his foreign paymasters, if special counsel Robert Hur cares to crossmatch its contents with classified material found since November in five different 🌠locations in the president’s Dꦆelaware home and garage and his office at the University of Pennsylvania. 

The classified files Hur is investigatin🍬g cover Biden’s vice presidential years, when Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden were actively monetizi๊ng the family name overseas. Some documents reportedly date back to the president’s time in the Senate. 

Last week, we published an uncha♔racteristically cogent email about Ukraine written by Hunter Biden in 2014, which Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said looked “suspiciously” as if it were based on classified information. 

But there’s more where that came from. 

For inဣstance, documents on the laptop from 2011 show that Hunter offered to sell intelligence on Russian oligarchs to the US aluminum firm Alcoa Inc. for $55,000. 

In internal discussions over Hunter’s proposal, a senior executive at Alcoa suggested the information was valuable because it ꦚ“would notಌ otherwise be on Government Affairs team’s radar.” 

As I previously reported, Hunter offered to “provide Alcoa with statistical analysis 🏅of political and corporate risks, elite networks associated with Oleg Deripaska (OD), Russian CEO of Bꦇasic Element company and United company RUSAL.” 

Emails on Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop show him attempting to sell information about Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
Emails on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show him attempting to sell information about Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Photo by OLGA MALTSEVA/AFP via Getty Images

Alcoa had just signed a metal supply agreement with RUSAL.&♒nbsp;

Hunter promised to provide a “list of elites of similar rank in Russia, map of OD’s [Deripaska’s]🅰 networks based on frequency of interaction with selected elites and countries.” 

Hunter’s hefty fees 

In an email to Daniel Cruise, Alcoa’s then-vice president of government and pub✤lic affairs, on June 3, 2011, Hunter offered “a little better sense of the product by attaching some of the raw data that is produced through the elite mapping procedure.” 

Hunter propo🦩sed fees of “$25,000 for phase one of the project [and] ෴$55,000 for refined analysis.” 

Five days later, Cruise’s colleague at Alcoa, senio💜r analyst Pei Cheng, wrote: “I don’t believe the data analysis is worth the full $55,000. I think the most valuable piece for us would be the list of Russian elites connected to OD [Deripaska] that would not otherwise be on Government Affairs team’s radar, including various Russian Committee Heads, Union leaders or Ministers.” 

How Hunter, 52, a raging drug addict w🌠ith a voracious appetite for cash during much o𝓡f his father’s vice presidency, got access to classified information is a matter of national concern. 

No wonder voters are waking up𒊎 in spite of the left-wing media bla💯ckout.

Pharma whoa: Something sickening about Pfizer sting

There’s a lot to unpack in the viral Project Vℱeritas ཧvideo sting on Pfizer. 

The vaccine manufacturer’s director of research, Dr. Jordon Walker MD, is caught on the video telling an underc🥃over Veritas journalist that Pfizer is planning to “mutate” the COVID virus in monkeys using a technique called “direct꧑ed evolution” to create boosters for future strains. 

“There’s a risk,” he warns. “As you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f–king viruses.” 

Understatement of the year. 

With more than 25 million views on Twitter, and almost a million on YouTube (until th💦at authoritarian instrument of the state took it down), clearly last Wednesday’s video has st✤ruck a chord with the public. 

It’s not yet clear whether Pfizer is trying to make its COVID boosters more viable by doing the Frankenstein research that caused thওe pandemic in the first place, but then, neither was its late Friday press release answering the allegations. 

Walker claime🍸d in a follow-up ambush by Veritas that he was just telling lies to impre▨ss a date, but he is a Yale-educated senior director of the megabucks company, just three steps below Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in the org chart — and he remains in its employ. 

Pfizer’s pꦰress release confirms it has “conducted research where the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern.” 

Dr. Robert Malone, the dissident scientist who originally invented the mRNA vaccination technology, claims that means it is performing “gain of function” r♈esearch, the technique believed to have created ꦺthe original SARS-CoV-2 virus in a Wuhan lab. 

One thing, at least, is certain: The regulator capture by Big Pharma described by Walker is real.&nbsไp;

The pharmaceutical industry “is a revolving door for all government officials,” he said. “All the people who review our drugs — eventually most of them will come work for pharma companies … It’s pretty good for the industry, to be honest. It’s bad for everybody else in America … because when the regulators reviewing our drugs know that once they stop regulating, they are going to work for the company, they are not going to be as hard towards the company that’s going to give them a job.” 

This dirty little secret also applies to other regulatoꦫrs like the SEC (see the collapse of crypto firm FTX) and the FAA (see the Boeing 737 MAX debacle).