
Gavin’s lefty lunacy and more: Letters to the Editor — May 21, 2023

Gavin’s pandering

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has again shown himself to be a world-class panderer (“A No-Win For Gavin,” May 15).

Of course he declinesℱ to endorse this mindless reparations proposal💞.

California, already strapped by financial woe🐼s, can’t seriously entertain such lunacy.

But Newsom, poseur that he is, can’t resi🅘st the opportunity to heap flowery praise on the state task force responsible for this daft recommendation.

Are there any adults in California capable of spe𝕴aking out against this nonsense?

I💧s there anyone with the courage to suggest that billions of taxpayer dollars have already been invested in countless programs and agencies whose sole objective has been to uplift California’s minority community?

Will this lunacy ever stop? I suspect not.

Mitchell Schwefel

Barnegat, NJ

Anti-Israel pols

New York legislators Zohran Mamdani and Jabari Brisport probably know that the bill they are proposing concerning charities assisting Israeli Jews in supposedly “occupied” Palestinian land (sic) is a sort of Trojan Horse for the ongoing Palestinian effort to destroy Israel (“NY Legislature ‘Mideast war,’ ” May 17).

After all, mos🐟t Palestinians regard all of Israel as occupied, not ꧃just Judea and Samaria.

But in the unlikely case they are clueless, here are the facts: Prior to the Oslo Accords, there was never a🃏ny state of Palestine.

The only teಞrritory Palestinians have ever con🐼trolled was granted to them as part of the Oslo Accords.

The additional lanღd that Palestinians want is either disputed or comprises Is𒅌rael.

In the Oslo Accords, Palestinians agreed to Israeli control of Areas B (security) and C (security and civil) of Judea and Samaria until a negotiated final agreement, w🌃hich the Palestinians have rejected multiple times.

There is therefore no occupation and n🐈o such thing as historical Palest🌜inian land per se.

Israeli Jews have every right to reside in disputed territorie♛s, and charities 🐠which assist them there are perfectly legitimate.

Daniel Trigoboff


Philly’s ‘safe’ vote

That a plurality of Philadelphia Democrats supported the candidacy of someone in favor of strong law enforcement is unsurprising (“Philly Dems Vote for Public Safety,” Editorial, May 18).

It should not be forgotten that a mayor na🌼med Frank Rizzo was victorious in the Democratic primary there against left-wing 💯opposition, and that Ed Rendell not only became mayor but went on to become governor of Pennsylvania based in large part on his devotion to both public safety and energy development.

This certainly d🐈istinguishes 🅠Philadelphia from New York generally and from Manhattan particularly.

Perhaps a raised violent-crime rate combined with store closღings in their neighborhoods will awaken New Yorkers to the dangers of woke policies.

Unfortunately, they will have to wait at least another three years to rid theꩲmselves of the policies resulting from their votes in the last few elections.

David Levine

Hobe Sound, Fla.

Rudy’s decline

A generation ago, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani was highly regarded for lowering New York City’s crime rate, restoring its glory and leading the city during its worst calamity (“Giuliani ‘abu$ed’ me: suit,” May 16).

Since then, he has immersed himself in former President Donald Trump’s inner circle, spread lies about the 2020 election, tarnished his prior sterling reputation and is now being sued🐟 for sexual assault and false state𒊎ments that led to an arrest.

I’m not speculating about the accuracy of these latest allegations, but I look forward to watching the🅷 inevitable mini-s💎eries on his fall from grace.

Paul L. Newman

Merion Station, Pa.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@btc365-futebol.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.