
NYC DOE exec in ‘cover up’ for repeat hooky given generous raise

A top enrollment official for the city Department of Education was found to have🃏 repeatedly played hooky and sold clothing online during work hours, yet she was rewarded with a promotion and a pay raise just weeks after a miscondu♏ct probe, The Post has learned.

As senior executive director in the Office of Student Enrollment, Amanda Lurie was a chronic no-show, barely visited the “family welcome centers” she was supposed to supervise, took off on work days, and peddled apparel during DOE hours on Poshmark, the DOE’s Office of Special Investigations (OSI) concluded in late February, according to the investigator who conducted the probe.

Lurie was removed from the enrol♚lment off✱ice at the end of March, but it was painted as a promotion.

First Deputy Chancellor Daniel Weisberg named her a “senior advisor” in his office, and that month she received a pay hike from $199,118 to $208,000 a year.

Lurie, 54, boasted to colleagues and friends on Facebook that she had a higher position with “with a very nice raise.” 

“If she was not punished for this, there was a cover up,” said Jonathan May, the OSI investigator. “God knows if that were me, I would have been fired and rightfully so.”

Chief Enrollment officer Sarah Kleinhandler failed to supervise senior executive director Amanda Lurie, a probe found. YouTube

May, a retired federal agent and eight-year DOE investigator who resigned after completing the probe, summ𝓀arized his findings for The Post🌸 because he fears officials are hiding the report.

The nine-month investigation documented that Lurie, who — the name of a famed women’s equality activist — on Poshmark, ran “Lilly’s Closet” on the website during DOE hours, May said.

Lurie has gushed on Facebook about her sales prowess — which earned her Poshmark’s “Ambassador” status — and the thousands of dollars she has pocketed from what she calls her “side hustle.” 

Amanda Lurie, 54, boasted to colleagues and friends on Facebook that she had a higher position with “with a very nice raise.”  Linkedin Amanda Lurie

Employees at the DOE’s welcome centers, where families enroll their children in city schools, confirmed that Lurie rarely showed up, May said.

She attended Zoom meetings in what appeared 𝄹to be ♛her car or home.

Lurie told May she had no n🍨eed to visit th🐷e centers during the pandemic because they weren’t busy, he said.

But May cited a “🃏deluge of evidence” that the sites were swamped with phone calls and emails from families and scho꧃ols.

“We were working around the clock to keep up,” a staffer r♕ecalled.

Amanda Lurie allegedly hocked clothes on Poshmark during DOE hours. Poshmark Lilly Ledbetter

In one case, Lurie’s 2019 timesheet records reflected a full week on duty when she w✃as nowhere to be found🥀, colleagues reported.

Lurie denied taking 🌊time off, May said, but other 🍷employees shared emails from Lurie telling them what to do “while I’m out this week.” 

Her boss, Chief Enrollment Officer Sarah Kleinhandler, did not question Lur🐼ie’s timesheets, because she “totally trusted” her top staffer, she told ☂May.

But behind Kleinhandler’s back in a virtual executive meeting caught on audio, and obtained by The Post, Lurie once dissed the chief, snapping, “Sarah doesn’t do s–t” because she delegates all the work to others.

The investigation found Kleinhandler failed to supervise Lurie and ignored complaints from otꦛher employees. But she, too, got a raise from $204,106 to $220,000, internal records show.

Lurie’s LinkedIn details her professional history. Linkedin Amanda Lurie

Instead of facing consequences, Kleinhandler took action against a key witness in the probe — reassigning the worker to an office farther from her home, which added more than an hour to her commute.

🍎That employee emailed Weisberg three times, 𝓰pleading for him to intervene, but got no response.

She then complained to the Special Comm🌼issioner of Investigation for city schools, which isꩵ probing the matter, a spokesperson confirmed.

The OSI’s damning report on Lurie and Kleinhandler was delivered six months ago to Weisberg, second ওin command to Chancellor David Banks, but it h𝓰as been kept under wraps.

The DOE has repeatedly del𝔉ayed requests for the report under the state Freedom of Information Law.

“It appeared to everybody like nothing happened, and I am livid,” May said. “Nothing happened to them [Lurie and Kleinhandler], and the people who came forward to tell the truth are being retaliated against.”

Lurie would not discuss the OSI report. “I have no comment,” she said.

♌Kleinhandler was on vacation overseas and did not answer an email.

Banks, Weisberg, and a DOE spo♋kesman did not reply to questions.