
I’m a boss who fires anyone without six-pack abs — I have high standards

They thought this alleged policy was ab-ominable.

Get shredded or he’ll shred your contract: An Arizona sales trainer and car salesman has been ripped up and down online after controversially claiming that he won’t hire anyone who doesn’t possess rippling six-pack abs, as seen in a video blowing up on Instagram.

But , 43, told The Post doesn’t care what soggy-stomach online trolls think: his policy is abs-olute.

“If you get hired on in our company, you got a certain amount of time to get your body in shape or it just shows me you don’t care,” Elliott said. “I mean, I’ve got one [a six-pack], 90% of my team has one. And you know, if I say, ‘Get a six-pack,’ my team understands what I mean.”

He added, “I can just grab any of my people and before a meeting, I can say, ‘All right, shirt’s off, look around. Who’s the most disciplined one in the room?'”

The self-proclaimed “,” who founded Scottsdale-based The Elliott Group, offers online courses to impart his alleged wisdom like a jacked Jordan Belfort from “Wolf Of Wall Street.”

These include an “inner circle mentorship” that he claims can help people.

Applicants pay a one-time “membership fee” of $1,500 and then $499 per month to access this knowledge.

The salesman whisperer’s tips, which he frequently posts to his over 550,000 Instagram followers, involve everything from to

In his latest testosterone-filled tutorial, Elliott claimed that havi🔴ng cheese grater abdominals are essential to staying on his sales force.

“I’m going to tell you this,” the sales guru said during a recent seminar. “My entire company, my entire team, if you don’t have a six-pack, you don’t work for us.”

He then elaborated on the bold statement, explaining: “It’s called a standard — how about we raise them? How about you guys quit getting civilized and quit settling?”

Elliott added that he doesn’t concern himself with critics who might take legal action over his stringent fitness standards.

“There are some people in this room that said they would sue their company if they told them they had to have a six-pack,” declared the entrepreneur, whose company has a fitness division. “We know you would sue — that conversation is for the one percent — it wasn’t for you.”

Elliott and wife Jacqueline Elliott.

For Elliott, there’s a clear correlation between Schwarzenegger-esque stomach muscles and success in sales.

“If a guy calls me and goes, ‘Andy, I wanna make more money today,’ I’m gonna say, ‘Do me a favor, go get a gym pass, check back in with me in a month,'” he told The Post. “If you’re still working out, you’re showing up five days a week, you’re eating clean, I’ll let you buy a coaching program.”

The salesman-cum-fitness trainer continued, “Because if they go buy a coaching program and they don’t look in the mirror and start to see progress every day, which makes them feel better, there’s a good chance they just bought a coaching program that’s gonna sit on a shelf.”

“If you don’t take care of yourself, what value is all the success you’re creating anyways,” Elliott said. “For some other guy to go, go spend your money and live with your family while you’re dead. That’d be stupid.”

However, Elliott’s machismo-laden advice didn’t resonate with the 99% on social media, with one critic pleading, “Please stop giving money to this guy.”

“Algorithm: please stop showing me angry bald men with strong opinions,” said another.

Others pointe🍎d out the purported ludicrousness of hiring or firing people based on muscဣle definition, especially for non-fitness-related jobs.

“Can’t work for me if you’re bald,” quipped one commenter. “Grow hair or get out.”

“Man I served in the Marines for 13 years with some absolute savages,” argued another. “I mean true savage professionals that were smart, tactically sound, strong, loyal, courageous, and in unbelievable shape as demonstrated in combat … didn’t have a 6 pack…”

Dude, the next time somebody comes to me and says, I’m depressed, if they’ll just go to the gym for 30 days, 60 days, they’ll never be depressed again,” Elliott declared.

However, Elliott clarified that the fit-mus test isn’t totally literal but is rather a metaphor for success.

“It’s not that we don’t hire anybody with a six-pack,” the exercise enthusiast elaborated to The Post. “We just have a standard that says if you’re gonna be a mentor to others in our company you’re gonna be your standard.”

He added, “Physical, mental business, if you’re not physically fit, you’re mentally not gonna be tough. The people that we coach in our program, 90% of them, they reach out and they don’t believe in themselves anymore. So I’m not gonna let one of my coaches try to convince somebody else to believe in themselves who’s not doing the work themselves.”

Elliott and his team.

While a six-pack might be a parable for mental prowe꧟ss, Elliott noted that more than 90% of his team do possess an Adonis-like ab sextet.

“I’ve hired people that are 50 pounds overweight,” the businessman explained. “I’ve hired people that are a hundred pounds overweight. But those people, a year later, dude, they’re where they want to be. And they look in the mirror and they’re proud of themself and their family’s proud of that.”

As for haters, Elliott claims that he appreciates these “algorithm feeders” because they simply prove his point.

“I mean, those are people sitting in their mom’s basement, you know, commenting or by the way, or they’re people that are sitting there wishing they could kill it in life, just still making excuses and not taking action,” he said.

Elliott claims people have gone “soft.”

Having a shredded stomach is about more than just succeeding in sales, according to Elliott, who claims that challah bread-esque abs, and fitness in general, are an antidote to a world gone “soft.”

“How many men or women can actually protect their families if somebody were to break in and cause harm on ’em?” he said. “This is just more than being fit. We’re in a world right now where everybody’s breaking mentally all around the world.

“Dude, the next time somebody comes to me and says, ‘I’m depressed,’ if they’ll just go to the gym for 30 days, 60 days, they’ll never be depressed again,” he said.

This is just the facts…

He also🦩 sees fab-dominals as essen𒈔tial for a happy family life.

“If you had a six-pack, your kids would choose you as their hero,” he said. “Kids like superheroes.”

He continued, “By the way, you want, you want your wife to admire you. I mean, when you married her, right? You don’t think she sexually, you know, wants to look up to you and be like, ‘God, my guy’s the man.’ I mean, come on dude. Let’s not be a dummy.”

Elliott claims that having a six-pack is a matter of “standards.” Instagram/officialandyelliott

Elliott summed it up like this: “If you don’t take care of that s – – t, guess what? You’re gonna die early period.”

“And your children [will have to] let someone else raise them. And your wife’s gonna live with some other dude that has a six-pack.”