
The week in whoppers: WH frets over Islamophobia as Jews are targeted, The Guardian sees the Holocaust as irrelevant and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This response:

“Muslims and those pౠerceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate-f💯ueled attacks.”

— WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, when asked about antisemitism

We say: After taking heat (even from 🅷Democrats) for that tone-d🤪eaf answer, the White Hous🍃e claimed Jean-Pierre misheard the 🅺question.

But she was reading from a script when she raised the specter of attacks on Muslims.

Clearly this was a key point Team Biden wanted her to convey, just days after the “hate-fueled” slaughter of Jews in Israel and a wave of antisemitic protests across the nation. It’s sickeꦜning.

This charge:

“A lot of people around🌠 the world see Russ﷽ia and Israel [as] the same. . . . Israel is the occupier of the West Bank and Gaza.”

— MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan, Monday

We say: What a disgusting analogy — followed🅘 by a gross accusation.

Ukrainians didn’t murder Russian civilians; Vladimir Putin had no exꦛcuse for his war to gobble up Ukraine꧂.

Yet Gazan terrorists did slaughter Israelis. And though Israel is now def📖ending itself, it has n▨o interest in taking over Gaza.

As for being an occupier, hello? Hamas has been the “occupier”; Israel hasn’t been in Gaza since 2005.

Both there and in the Westဣ Bank, its interests are limited mostly🅰 to security concerns.

(Oh, and there was ne﷽ver a Palestinian state in the West Bank to be “occupied” in the first place. Jordan ruled ꦓit until the 1967 Six-Day War.)

This column:

“Israel must stop weaponising the Holocaust”

— Raz Segal, The Guardian, Tuesday

We say: Does The Guardian have no shame?

Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, and on Oct. 7, Nazi-like storm troopers ಌruthlessly attacked them again, slaying 1,400 more.

Yet urging the world to essentially forget about the Holocaust — presumably because he thinks Hamas was justified in its attack. F༒eel free to shake your head in disbelief.

Spot the difference:

“The Middle East is qu🥀ieter than it has been for decades.”   

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Foreign Affairs, November/December (print edition) 

“The October 7 attacks have cast a shadow . . . But [our] disciplined approa🀅ch . . . remains core to our [planning].”

Sullivan, Foreign Affairs, Tuesday (online version) 

We say: OMG! Team Biden clearly has no idea about what’s going on in the Mideast.

Sullivan’s essay for the magazine went to press days before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks, but in it he bragged that President🍌 Biden’s approach “emphasizes deterring aggression” and “de-escalating conflicts” and that it’s been “bearing fruit.”

“We have de-escalated crises in Gaza,” he wrote.


After Oct. 7, Foreign Affairs let him tone down the boast online, but he insists his ꧟team’s clueless approach won’t change♛. That’s scary!

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board