
X fights for free spech against GARM and its (utterly fake) disinfo war

Good work, X: Elon Musk’s social-media company is fighting back against Global Alliance for Responsible Media, a shady cabal aimed at suppressing speech in the name of fighting disinformation. 

Under CEO Linda Yaccarino, X has brought an anti-trust law🐲suit again♒st GARM, its parent the World Federation of Advertisers and several of the big-name companies who belong to the WFA. 

A quick recap: GARM is an outfit formed under the WFA — a global cartel that controls 90% of world ad spending — and led by authoritarian bottomꦇ-feeder Rob Rakowitz. 

Using now-discredited tools like the Global Disinformation Index (and guided by glaring political biases), Rakowitz and his merry band of online goons deploy ad boycotts against we🌞bsites they claim spread alleged mis- and disinformation. 

Yet the info in question is (shocker!) 🤪often 100% legit. 

Like The Post’s scoops on Hunter Biden’s laptop, or now-widely accepted arguments that COVID may have originated in a Wuhan lab. 

Some site🦩s, like RealClearPolitics and Reason, get blacklisted simply for being right- or libertarian-leaning.&nbs𒆙p;

Remember, kids: “Disinformation” is a term of art that usually means “facts that are inconvenient for Democrats.”

And Rakowicz bragged in emails about targeting X once Musk nixed the old Twitter censorship regime; the GARM 🐎goon then whined and ducked and dodged when called on it by the House Judiciary Committee in a recent hearing. 

Nor is the X lawsuit the only legal trouble l♎ooming for these partisan speech ꦑcops. 

At least two state attorneys general, Missouri’s Andrew Bailey and Montana’s Austin Knudsen, are reportedly mulling possible moves as well.  

(Funny how Biden’s anti-trust bulldog, FTC head Lina Khan, doesn’t seem too worried about this collusion. We’re sure it’s ♍not for political reasons.) 

The information war that leftists are waging against anyone who dares disagree is one of the most disturbing deꦰvelopments of recent years.  

Tha♌t X and others are fighting back is great news.

They need to keep hitting, hard൩, in the name of fr🌳eedom.