
These three zodiac signs are the biggest gold diggers in astrology

We ain’t saying they are ..

I am here to re-gild the gold digger, folks. In my mind, tis better to mine/pander🐈 for gold than settle for tin. You say advantageous, I sayꦺ industrious.

Commonly associated with canceled Kanye’s , gold digger is a derogatory term used to describe someone that enters into a relationship for the express purpose of monetary gain. Jokes on you, Ye as ex-wife Kim Kardashian’s net worth has reportedly surpassed his own.

There’s a fine line between exploitation and enterprise my friends but so long as everyone’s clear on the terms. and the benefits are mutual who cares if or why people couple up for cash?

While gold digger is an insult historically reserved for women, men are equally capable and culpable when it comes to being money mongers and trash monsters. Looking at you K-Fed and that hot Italian dude that married Ivana Trump, fist pumping to the beat of the “Rocky” theme song. Heaven help us.

Better to pander for gold than settle for tin my babies. Shutterstock

According to a DDB’s Life Style Study published by , “Two in 10 single adults can be classified as ‘gold diggers’ saying that they would marry somebody for their money. And 54% of these gold diggers are men. And young. Whereas gold digger women are more likely to be part of the boomer generation (40% are female vs. 27% male), gold digger males are significantly more likely to be part of the Millennial generation (40% are male vs. 25% female).”

While Millennial men are doing their part to democratize gold digging, some zodiac signs are more prone than others to prioritize financial security over romantic attraction. Read on and marry rich. For further insights on gold digging leanings, read for your moon sign, representative of instincts, your Venus, indicative of how you relate to money as well as the signs that rule the second house of possessions and/or the seventh house of partnerships in your birth chart.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Melania Trump is a money minded, beauty as business Taurus. AP

A🦩s a fixed earth sign, bulls are built to endure and can hang in with stark self-awareness and self-destructive loyalty when love is absent but life is well appointed.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of assets and affections and the sign presides over the second house of values and valuables. As such, Taurean tastes tend to extend beyond their budgets and their romantic objectives center more on finding a providers than a partner. Taurus worships at the altar of the comfortable, the concrete and the extra guac. They’re a practical herd that know love is transient but cash is king, like gold digging, eyebrows as weapons David Gest who married and then attempted to extort legendary entertainer and apex Pisces Liza Minnelli.

As a fixed earth sign, bulls are built to endure and can hang in with stark self-awareness and self-destructive loyalty when love is absent but life is well appointed. Case in point when Taurus Melania Trump was asked if she would still be with her husband Donald if he wasn’t rich, she responded with the “If I weren’t beautiful, do you think he’d be with me?” Touché Mel, touché.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Libra wants all of the spoils and none of the toil. iStockphoto

Libras want to live well and work minimally, and their guilty pleasure/fantasy is being a sugar baby. Like Taurus, Libra is ruled by Venus which governs both love and liquid assets. Libras make for excellent trophy spouses/gleaming gold diggers as they are aces at curating a dinner party, choosing art and charitable donations, dressing well for society functions and general glad handing. The social equivalent of a stool softener, Libra makes everything move a little smoother. An air sign that rules the seventh house of partnerships, Libras view relationships as transactions and marrying well good business. Libras are also charming AF so being used by one is a kind of pleasure worth paying for.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Money is pure party potential to the Sagittarius. Christopher Sadowski

Sagittarius folks love to act like they are enlightened/ have no interest in money, insisting they would rather have “experiences.” But make no mistake my dudes, Ayahuasca retreats, fully equipped Burning Man camp sites, wilderness walkabouts, amethyst headboards and yoga certifications don’t come cheap and archers are willing to do whatever it takes to keep the party going. An optimistic and shameless sort, Sagittarians will charm/sexually coerce/marry any mark they can to cover the transactional cost of transcendence and the running tab for exotic dancers, helium, karaoke machines, cocaine and glitter guns. This is also the sign most likely to fall in the degenerate gambler category, making a rich partner or wealthy parents an absolute necessity.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Fully funded space travel is what the wet dreams of a water bearer are made of. iStockphoto

The emotional objectivity of the average Aquarian allows them to see the advantages of mꦗarrying for money and or dating fo🧜r pay.

Aquarius rides the line between tradition and innovation and as such they share an interesting relationship to money. Much like Capricorn, Aquarius views capital as a means to an end. Yet, given the influence of wild card Uranus on their sign, water bearers 🔜are open to getting paid and funding the construction of their hot air balloons, snow leopard sanctuaries, space ships or psilocybin for psoriasis research initiatives by whatever means necessary.

The emotional objectivity of the average Aquarian allows them to see the advantages of marrying for money and or dating for pay. Chronically aloof, they don’t form easy attachments to others which makes attaching themselves to a wealthy benefactor just as taxing as attaching themselves to a struggling artist. As rulers of the eleventh house of community, there’s an idealism and humanitarian aspect to the Aquarius temperament, suggesting that they are willing to put their allowance or alimony towards charitable pursuits, the colonization of space and/or funding guerilla armies.

Astrologer  researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.