george roberts

 KKR pioneered the private😼 equity business: Here are its hﷺits and misses

The✅ KKR co-founders, along with original partner Jerome Kohlberg -- who lef✱t the firm in 1987 and died in 2015 -- are credited with inventing leveraged buyouts in the 1960s...

KKR's Henry Kravis and George Roberts to step down

KKR private equity titans Henry⭕ Kravis and George Roberts will are sജtepping down from their eponymous firm, the company announced Monday.

KKR exec's remarks renew questions about succession plan

Private-equity investors are once again playing their favorite parlor game of who will succeed KKR’s sept𓆏uagenarian co-founders. KKR’s Alex Navab — considered one of the leading contenders to succeed Henry...