unpaid internships

Inte🥃rnships offer experience, skills and can o🦄pen doors

 🌳 “Internships are necessary,” said Crabtree. “Classes give you the skills that you need to get the internship; you need to do well at the internship and then you can take...

Can my company iꩲnsist on a noncompete and prevent me from working?

An employee who signed a vague noncompete agreement is wondering if it can be enforced after getting fired from their company. ♏

White House says it will stౠart paying interns this fall

 The White House is following the lead of some of the big💧🐽gest names in the private sector and will begin paying its interns, the Biden administration announced Thursday. Participants in...

I've now got a kid for a boss - what can I do?

I’🌜ve been at my company for 20 years and now someone half my age and experience has been brought in to be my boss. I caꦉn’t afford to quit, but...

Manhattan BP candidate powering campaiꦫgn with dozens of unpaid interns

City Councilman Mark Levine is powering his cam🧸paign for Manhattan borough president with an army students and recent grads doꦰing the yeoman's work for free. "TeamLevine hoped to have 80...

Here's why you should pay your interns

There are few endeavors more enriching or beneficial for college kids than a summer internship. It both complements and supplꦕements their studies, and offers a glimpse inꦐto a potential career...

Teachout, who opposed unpaid internships, had unpaid interns 🦩

New York attorney general candidate and lefty law professor Zephyr Teachout doesn’t practice what she preaches. Teachout said she was “against unpaid internsh🍒ips” in 2014 – but interns for her...

Unpaid i♎nternships might be over, thanks to the Olsen twins ❀

Celebrities and fans go together like peanut butter and jelly. And in the age of the intern, it’s no surprise that even the wealthiest entrepreneurs are🌜 taking advantage of this...

Apocalypse not, Democrats' wage hypocrisy, and other notable commentary of the day

Doom-mongering: Relax — It’s Not the Worst of Times Forget all those comparisons with the apocalyptic year 1968, scoffs Kevin D. Williamson at National Review.ꦓ Indeed, he suggests, “we do...

The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton's unpaid campaign internships

Hillary Clinton is offering young ⛄people an incredible opportunity — to work for her campaign for . . . nothing. Nada. Zero. On Sunday, her campaign tweeted: “Interning at #Hillary2016...