YOUR DAILY horoscope



Jusꦿt because you can persuade others to agree with your point of view does not mean your point of view is correct. It’s likely you’ve got the wrong end of the stick regarding a social or political matter, so maybe it’s you who needs to check your thinking.

January 20 - February 18


Don’t let your anxiety about what other peopl💯e might think hold you back from doing something exciting today. If it feels right to you then get on with it and worry ꦺabout the possible consequences later on. Better still, don’t worry at all.

February 19 - March 20


Resist the temptation to poke fun at people in positions of power – they won’t like it and may hold a grudge that does your ambitions no good at all. Not everyone shares your 💧off-the-wall sense of humor Aries, so be carefu🌸l who you upset.

March 21 - April 19


You may be inclined to take what a fri♔end or work colleague tells you at face value – why would they lie to you? – but the planets warn it will pay you to be susp🍃icious. Listen to your instincts instead. They could tell you a very different story.

April 20 - May 20


Making changes to your lifestyle may be a pain but deep down you know it has to be done, so kn🅘uckle down and make a good job of it. Your long-term success will depend on the choices you make over the next two or three days.

May 21 - June 20


Some of your ideas seem a little 𝕴off-center at the moment and that fact will be highlighted by what occurs o🎃ver the next 24 hours. If you think you’ve been moving in one direction but end up some place else then clearly you need to reset your thinking.

June 21 - July 22


By all means take note of what your inner voice seems to be telling you but don’t neglect to use commဣon sense as well. The only safe course of 🥀action at the moment is to let the facts guide you both at home and at work.

July 23 - August 22


Your fear♔s could easily run away with you today, so promise yourself now that no matter what happens you will stay calm and stay focused on your long-term aims. You have so many things to be thankful for in life, so why worry?

August 23 - September 22


It’s not like you to take friendships for grant🀅ed but one special person appears to believe you have been neglecting them of late. Find out why that is 𝔉then reassure them that your feelings towards them have not changed a bit. Prove it if you can.

September 23 - October 22


You should now be aiming higher than at any time in the recent past. If you join forces with people who share your ambitions there truly is no goal that cannot be reached,🌠 so get your team together and set your sights on that mountain top.

October 23 - November 21


Don’t worry if you find it hard to put across your point of view today. You may be a chatty Sag but even you s🌊ometimes mislay your powers o꧙f persuasion. It’s only a temporary blip, so give your vocal chords a gargle and get ready to speak again.

November 22 - December 21


You may be under the impression that someone you are involved with in a business matter has been holding out on you but it probably isn’t true. Do your due diligence but keep an open mind too. Maybe they are acting strangely for unrela𝄹ted reasons.

December 22 - January 19

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