YOUR DAILY horoscope



It may be true that nothing in life co💦mes for free but t🥃here are times when the universe hands you something good for no apparent reason and this could be one of them. There is no need to be suspicious – this really is your lucky day.

January 20 - February 18


Venus and Neptune join forces in your birth sign today, a combination that is sure to bring all the good things in who you are to the fore. Don’t do, say or even think anything mean or n🧸egative in nature. The world is wonderful and so are you.

February 19 - March 20


Whatever it is you desire today you will find a way to get it, even if others don’t want to let you have it. You are in one of those🐻 moods when you refuse to take “No” for an answer. A💝nyone who gets in your way will regret it!

March 21 - April 19


By all means forgive a friend who has let you down in some way but make sure they know they are running out of opportunitie𓄧s to get their act together. Taurus may🧔 be one of the more laidback signs of the zodiac but you’re nobody’s fool.

April 20 - May 20


Do whatever it takes to impress employers and other important peopl🌺e today but don’t go overboard and start making promises that could be difficult to keep. Also, it might pay to be a bit evasive if they want to know about your long-term plans.

May 21 - June 20


Don’t sit at home watching the television, get out into the world and have a real adventure, one that challenges you on ev𝔍ery level. As one of the zodiac’s cardinal signs you were not born to play safe, you were born to win t♑he game of life.

June 21 - July 22


The more you try to keep something secret today the more likely it is the information will s🌃lip out, so you might as well control the narrative and be the one to reveal what’s going on. You may though be surprised how few people are surprised!

July 23 - August 22


Your fears could easily run away with you today, so prꦫomise yourself now that no matter what happens you will stay calm and stay focused on your long-term aims. You have so many things to be thankful for in life, so why worry?

August 23 - September 22


Not only are you worrying about a number of very personal matters but you are worrying about other people’s problems♛ as well. In a nutshell Libra, you are taking life far too seriously at the moment. Do something that relaxes your mind and your body.

September 23 - October 22


Affairs of the heart are under excellent stars at the moment, so don’t be afraid to let the object of your affection know how m🌱uch you love them. Usually ▨you don’t enjoy feeling this vulnerable but today you’ll feel an urgent need to speak from the heart.

October 23 - November 21


Spend some quality time with the people you love. There may be a thousand and one things that need taking care of out there in the world at large but each and every one of them can wait. This is very muc✱h a day to put family first.

November 22 - December 21


Cosmic activity in two of the most open and outgoing areas of your chart make this the kind of day when opportunities for fun and gam💖es are almost unlimited. Give your well-honed sense of humor permission to come out an🎃d play.

December 22 - January 19

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