
Wh🌌at’s yo🍬ur most toxic trait based on your zodiac sign?

As the poet Britney Spears explored in her 2003 bop “Toxic,” we are 𝕴all wounded creatures that are, without cons꧑cious intervention or in the case of Britney, a banging flight attendant costume, drawn to repeat our patterns of hurting and being hurt.

This is often why we find ourselves in toxic relationships or toxic behavior patterns, there’s an ad𓄧dictive quality that thrills us even as it unmakes us.

As with everything, awareness is the fi☂rst s꧙tep forward. Find out your toxic trait now!

Ruled by structured planet Saturn and chaotic planet Uranus, Aquarians are inevitably pulled between order and abandon. This tension makes them great🐷 cult leaders and questionable politicians.

AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18

Toxic trait: Duplicity

The toxicity of the fish folk is two pronged, ruled as they are by Neptune, planet of dreams and delusions, their version of reality is shaky at best and downr꧑ight diluted at worst. We see both the delusion of reality and the escapism of denial in convicted rapist and Pisces native Harvey Weinstein.

PISCES February 19 - March 20

Toxic trait: Escapism

Passionate and direct, the very things that make Aries an exciting person to be around also m♌ake them a souꦓrce of anxiety for others or worse, a full blown emotional terrorist.

ARIES March 21 - April 19

Toxic trait: Poor impulse control

Taurus rules ꩲthe second house of values and possessions and at their lowest vibration these people can be materialistic, apathetic to the needs of others and selfish when it comes to resources and romance.

TAURUS April 20 - May 20

Toxic trait: Selfishness

Having no word filter can get erratic, ugly and could suspend you from social media as was the case for word💎 vomiting Gemini natives Donald Trump and Kanye West.

GEMINI May 21 - June 20

Toxic trait: No filter

Cancer struggles to maintain their own boundaries and often fails to respect⛎ the boundaries of others.

CANCER June 21 - July 22

Toxic trait: Flagrant disregard for pe💦rsonal boundaries

Leo is ruled by ꧃the sun and thus adept at commanding attention and shining a powerful light on causes and conditions close to their hearts. They can make for incredible advocates 🔯or insufferable grandstanders.

LEO July 23 - August 22

Toxic trait: Undue drama

Keen observers, Virgos cannot help but take notice and take note of everything and everyone. This is incredibly helpful when you’re touchin🍒g up crown molding or detailing your car, not so much when you’re just ౠtrying to have a relationship.

VIRGO August 23 - September 22

Toxic trait: Criticism

Quick to love bomb and never lacking in charm, Libras often rep🌳ress their darker feelings for the sake o🐻f maintaining their relationships.

LIBRA September 23 - October 22

Toxic trait: Outbursts caused by repression and unrealisti🐲c expectation🃏s

No one understands power dynamics more fully than a Scorpio. Preferring to work behind ♓the scenes they make for excellent managers and promoters, pi🐻mps and psychologists.

SCORPIO October 23 - November 21

Toxic trait: Capitalizing on the strengths and 𓃲𓆏weaknesses of others

Sagittarius believe in kindness 🗹as a concept more than a pr💜actice and tact as a socially constructed waste of time. Because of this they are prone to blunt delivery and off-color commentary.

SAGITTARIUS November 22 - December 21

Toxic trait: Rudeness

Capricorns are cool strategists that are easily able to locate opportunities and weakness for themselves. They use this knowledg༒e to get ahead while being conscious not to trample others on their way to the top.

CAPRICORN December 22 - January 19

Toxic trait: Ruthelessness

What kind of stoner ꧂are you baജsed on your zodiac sign?