US News


ALBANY – Scandal-scarred state Comptroller Alan Hevesi was hit by another bombshell yesterday when Attorney General Eliot Spitzer ordered him to pay back an additional $90,000 to the state for having a public employee chauffeur his wife.

That comes on top of the $83,000 that Hevesi had earlier repaid and amounts to a declaration that the comptroller – the state’s top bookkeeper – had massively miscalculated in his own favor.

Aides to Gov. Pataki also said last night that he has received a report from former federal pros𒈔ecutor David Kelley, whom the governor asked last week to independently review the Hevesi case. The prosecutor will recommend whether the Senate should begin proceedings for removing Hevesi from office.

Kelley’s findings will be announced today, aides to Pataki said.

Spitzer’s office said it concluded based on documents supplied by Hevesi’s office Wednesday evening that far from owing the nearly $83,000 he’s already paid the state, he likely owes a total of at least $173,000.

Hevesi, who has been plunging in the polls in the wake of the “chauffeur-gate” revelations, quickly released a statement that he had placed the $90,000 in an escrow account with the attorney general, as Spitzer’s office had directed.

But Hevesi refused to comment on the finding that he owed the state even more mo🔴ney 🔜than he had originally insisted his auditors had told him was the most he would have to pay.

Hevesi’s GOP rival, Christopher Callaghan, said that by his count, Hevesi owed another $211,000, based on the driver’s salary and benefits for the past three years.

He declined to comment on the additional payment because he hadn’t seen how the amount was calculated.

Spitzer announced a civil probe into Hevesi’s debt to the state in the wake of last month’s explosive state Ethics Commission finding. The panel said Hevesi broke the law by allowing a state worker to serve as a chauffeur and companion for his wife – and never intended to reimburse the state for the cost.

The commission also found that Hevesi falsely claimed that his ailing wife was in need of the security provided by the chauffeur because of supposed death threats. State Police records and testimony actually showed that there was no reason to believe Hevesi’s wife was in danger.

Spitzer recused himself from the probe since Hevesi is his ꦐrunning mate, and named First Deputy Attorney General Michele Hirschman to conduct it.

Spitzer, the state’s top Democrat and front-runner in the race for governor, last week withdrew his endorsement of Hevesi.

𓂃 He criticized the comptroller for denouncing the Ethics Com🐼mission in a letter earlier this week.

The existence of the chauffeur was disclosed in late September by Call✃aghan.

Hevesi moved quickly to end the story by claiming that while he “forgot” for 3½ years to repay the cost of the chauffeur, he would make amends by quickly paying an overly generous amount since his office failed to keep detailed records of the service.

He also claimed the Ethics Coꦿmmission had approved his use of a state employee to chauffeur h🔯is wife as long as he reimbursed the state for the cost.

But a commission spokesman said nꦆo such approval had been given.

Before becoming state comptroller in 2003, Hevesi was New York City comptroller and, under pressure of press scrutiny the🌳n, rꦚeimbursed the city for the use of a city employee as a chauffeur for his wife.

The damaging new finding by Spitzer’s office left several top state Democrats stunned because of its closeness to Election Day.

“I can’t figure out what Eliot is up to here, other than this indicates he doesn’t want Hevesi to win the election,” said a senior Democratic leader.

Spitzer refused to comment on the finding.


Sept. 21 – GOP comptroller candidate Christopher Callaghan calls Alan Hevesi’s fraud hot line to report a tip that Hevesi’s wife had a state employee as a chauffeur.

Sept. 25 – Hevesi seeks to head off a criminal probe by cutting a check to the state for nearly $83,000 that he

says covers what he owes.

Sept. 28 – After a week of seclusion, Hevesi offers a public apology.

Oct. 23 – A bombshell Ethics Commission report finds Hevesi “knowingly and intentionally” broke the law by using a state worker to chaufferu his wife and never planned to reimburse the state.

Oct. 26 – Eliot Spitzer withdraws his endorsement of Hevesi, saying he’s unfit for office .

Oct. 27 – Gov. Pataki names former U.S. Attorney David Kelley to review the case and recommend whether

the governor should cal♑l on the Senate to begin unprecedented removal🎀 proceedings.

Nov. 3 – Spitzer’s office concludes that Hevesi underpaid the state the value of the chauffeur by at least $90,000. Hevesi cuts a check that is put into escrow.