
Google mistress more into sex than ‘love’ and kids

She’s more into sex than “love.”

The gorgeous Google gal exposed as the mistress of her married billionaire boss th▨inks romance and kids are uninspiring.

Amanda Rosenberg, 26, mocks a series of feel-good phrases fea♋tured in the design for a Lululemon tote bag in🍸 a 2012 post for a women’s fashion blog.

In “The 10 Least Inspiring Sentences oඣn This Lululemon T🌱ote,” Rosenberg lists “Children are the orgasm of life” as the one she hates the most, putting “Love” at No. 6.

Her affairs with billionaire Google co-founder Sergey Brin and Google Android ho🎐ncho Hugo Barra were exposed last week by the tech blog ValleyWag𝓡.com.

She quickly became the most Googled employee at Google, ranking💝 as the fifth-most-searched🃏 subject, with 50,000 hits.

But not everyone is enamored with Rosenberg, a marketing hotshot who coined the voice command,🃏 “OK, Glass,” for the tech company’s latest invention, the head-mounted computer known as Google Glass.

In the blog post, which ran on the feminist fashion site The Hairpin in March 2012, Rosenberg says she’s also irked by the 🤡phrases, “Sweat once a day” and “Live near the ocean.”

Rosenb🍬erg, who was moved to a new position at the San Francisco-based Google offices to avoid being c🐼lose to Brin, sources said. Rosenberg could not be reached for comment.

Brin and Barra may have loved her, but Rosenberg’s newfound fame has earned scorn from some Internet use♍rs who found Rosenberg’s Google+ account.

“You are such a soulless person. No morality. Ruining a man’s life. Think of his two children … Shame on you,” one user posted, under the handle Jan Vries, in an apparent reference to Brin, a father of two.

Others stuck u🐟p for Rosenberg, noting nay-sa🐭yers should get a life.

“Do you have no💧thing better to do than write nasty comments to this girl?” someone else wrote, under the handle holdengirl02 1.

The tech blog AllThingsD reported earlier this week that Brin had split with his wife of six yearsꩲ🧸, Anne Wojcicki.

Barra 🀅announced he would leave Google earlier this week.

Google states on its Web site that d🐻isruptive office relationships are against company policy.

“If a romantic relationship does create an actual or apparent conflict, it may req💃uire changes to work arrangements or even the termination of employment of either or both individuals involved,” it notes.