
Mayor Bloomberg is the best friend of 2nd Amendment advocates

No one has done more for gun rights in the𒁏 past two years than Mayor Bloomberg.

Oh, he didn’t mean to. Bloomberg has used hi🎶s political clout and a significant amount of his fortune to try to chip away at the Second Amendment. He is never more self-righteous and condescending than when he talks about guns.

Yet at every step, he’s failed. But more than that, Bloomberg’s presence actively strengthens the NRA’s position. He’s sp🌱arked fundraising booms for politicians he disagrees with and may wound Democrats in 2014. Meanwhile, he’s pushed gun sales to record heights.

Bloomberg’s most high-profile campaign was spending $12 million to get the Senate to vote his way on𓆏 expanding background checks for gun purchases. After Sen. Harry Reid was forced to pull the gun control bill, Bloomberg went ballistic. His shocking rhetoric indicated the type of attack ads he would be funding leading up to the 2014 election. “Children lost. They are going to die and the criminals won. I think that’s the o♓nly way to phrase it. This is a disgrace,” he told reporters on April 18.

By the weekend, Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), had organized protests with the themeꦫ “Shame on You” at the congressional offices🔯 of the senators it determined to be vulnerable for voting against the expanded background checks amendment.

Typical was his campaign against Republican Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire. He spent more than $2 million on TV ads in New Hampshire and neighboring Boston. Ayotte, who voted to improve the Natiℱonal Instant Criminal Background Check System instead of the flawed background-♔check bill, refused to bow to the pressure.

Bloomberg’s deliberate misleading of the public was obvious from the content of the 🅠ads. In one, a police chief named Scott Knight, says that Ayotte is “making us less safe.” Unmentioned is the fact that he’s actually the police chief of Chaska, Minn., far from New Hampshire.

While Ayot🐽te’s poll numbers dipped in the immediate aftermath of the ads airing, they rose back up soon after. “I don’t see any effect on Kelly,” GOP party chairman🐽, Reince Priebus, told me in mid-June. “What is the state motto? ‘Live free or die.’ ”

Bloomberg also 🔯goes after Democrats, much to the consternation of Sen. Chuck Schumer. His attacks on Republicans don’t stick, but he could get enough liberals to vote against moderate Dem😼s to flip their races — and the Senate itself in 2014.

Unlike most elected officials, Bloomberg doesn’t even pretend that there’s a wall between his official and political activities. City Hall empl🥂oyees have been caught lobbying for gun control in other states.