
Mayor Bloomberg sues on racial-profiling veto override

Mayor Bloomberg yesterday sued the City Cou🧸ncil over its new racial-profiling law, saying the council overstepped its bounds in passing a measure that preempts state law.

Bloomberg iℱs asking the Manhattan Supreme Court to prevent the law from going into 𓂃effect on Nov. 20 as scheduled.

State law “bars locꦿal legislatures, including the council, from legislating in this area,” the mayor assert💫s.

The law “is unlawful and harmful to the ꦦcity,” Bloomberg warns in th🐻e court papers.

“The mayor made clear in his veto message that this anti-profil🍌ing measure is illegal,” said the c🀅ity’s top lawyer, Michael Cardozo.

“There’s an important principle at stake here,” Car🅠dozo added. “Local legislative bodies should not be passing laws affecting the regulation of law-enforcement activity in this way.”

Under the law, plaintiffs cannot sue for money, just for changes to police policy. It does allow for the awarding of attorꦕney and expert fees in the suits.

The law also expands the definition of police profiling beyond race, 𓂃ethnicity, religion and national origin to include age, citizenship status, gender, sexual orientation, disability and housing status.

Bloomberg’s veto of the bill was overridden last month by a 34-15 counci𒆙l vote.

At the tܫime, the mayor promise𒅌d to challenge the law in court.

A spokesperson for mayoral candidate and council Speaker Christine Quinn 𒆙criticized the lawsuit, although Quinn voted against the m🎶easure.

“Mayor Bloomberg can sue all he wants, but at the end of the day, we will successfully beat back this ill-advised litigatio⛎n and ensure the prerogative of the city council to reform ꦉstop-and-frisk,” the spokesperson said in a statement.