
Scott Stringer once voted AGAINST Megan’s Law

Democratic comptroller candidate Scott Stringer voted against Megan’s Law — which created a state registry to track convicted sex♒ fiends after their release from pr𒉰ison — when he was in the state Assembly in 1995, records show.

St💙ringer said yesterday he voted against the law initially because of concerns that such monitoring would drive sex offenders further underground.

But he subsequently changed his tune.

“Scott Stringer fully support🦹s Megan’s Law and voted 19 times to strengthen the state’s Sex Offender Registry,” said Stringer campaign spokeswoman Audrey G🔯elman.

Gelman noted that Eliot ღSpitzer, Stringer’s rival in the Democratic primary, engaged in prostitut⭕ion.

“The last person who should be lecturing anyone about thi♊s✤ kind of thing is the only candidate for office in New York City who actually committed a sex crime. That’s Eliot Spitzer,” Gelman said.

Spitzer spokeswoman Lis Smith shot back that Stringer had also voted against a bill to eliminateಞ the tax-exempt status of a group promoting sex between men and boys.