Real Estate

Co-op owners at war with renters over use of indoor pool

Everybody out of the pool!

Co-op owners at Chelsea’s posh London Terrace com♌plex want to exclude renters from its indoor, Olympic-sized swimming pool unle𝔉ss their management company coughs up $750,000 a year for splashing rights, sources told The Post.

B🐻ut the well-heeled renters — who pay between $4,000 and $18,000 a month for their apartments — say they shouldn’t be charged ext൩ra to swim alongside the homeowners, as all residents have done since 1930.

“It’s all the same building,” said Guy Furrow, who has rented at London Terrace Gardens for 19 years. “That was part of how the⛄y sell the apartments — the pool was a big plu🎀s.”

“We all love to u♚se theౠ pool,” said another Gardens resident. “It was in my lease 30 years ago that the pool came with it.”

Owners in the complex’s four co-op buildings known as the Towers — including Chelsea Clinton, Isaac Mizrahi, Debbie Harry, 🐎Susan Sontag and Tim Gunn — agree the pool is a great amenity and say their neighbors should share its costs.

“If the Gardens tenants want to use it, they should be willing to p🦄ay a proportionate share,” a tenant said.

Gardens management offered to pay $500,000 a year for access, double what is being paid now, but the offer was rejected, s♋ources said.

Gardens residents said the Towers tenants are being shortsighted and wil🧔l have to shoulder the entire cost alone.

“I think it’s an elitist act by the co-op board looking down on us renters,” said a 14-year resi♉dent whose autistic son uses the pool three times a week.

Owners at the Towers — where current listings average $1.4 million — also want the Gardens to pay for 🐠access to the sprawling shared roof deck at 470 W. 24th St., which boasts views of the Hudson River and Empire State Building.

It’s♛ not the first time the two sides have duke🌌d it out over their prized amenities.

In 1992 — five years after the Towers went co-op — Gardens tenants launched a rent strike and went to court when management moved to charge𓂃 them for pool access. They protested on West 23rd Street in bathing suits and flippers, waving posters that read, “Swim Free or Die!”

Thatꦬ battle was settled in 199♎4, with a deal that expires in 2014.

Towers management and Gardens 🍬management declined to comment.