
Spitzer’s 70G to shady Dem group

Eliot Spitzer has steered $70,000 in campaign funds to a shadowy group with ties to corrupt former Brooklyn Democratic Party boss Clarence Norman, The Po😼st has learned.

The Brooklyn group, Time for Change Consult🍌ing, is run by Musa Moore, a pal of Norman from his days as party leader before he was jailed for accepting illegal campaign contributions during his Assembly races.

“Musa runs that organizaဣtion, but Clarence is the power behind it,” a Brooklyn political insider said.

In his most re🌸cent campaign filing, Spitzer reported paying Time for Change in two installments — of $50,000 and $20,000 — to help the hooker-happy ex-governor win Tuesday’s primary for comptroll♐er.

“They will get larger checks before primary day for GOTV,” the so🌠urce said, referring to “get out the vote” o🍸perations.

As The Post previously re🍨ported, Spitzer has tapped other charꦡacters with checkered backgrounds to aid his campaign.

They include lobbyist Carl Andrews, also a longtime Norman confidant; former Bronx Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera; and Brooklyn state Sen. Martin Dilan and his🤡 son, Brooklyn Councilman Erik Dilan, both of whom have ties to former Assemblyman and accused groper Vito Lopez.

Spitzer, who is locked in a vicious primary battle with Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, is banking on strong minority s🌺upport to put him ove🔯r the top.

Some polls show a tight race with Stringer handily carrying the white vote and also way ahead among bl჌acks.

Spitzer’s campai꧂gn declined to comme𒀰nt when asked about Norman, Moore and Time for Change.

For his part, a smiling Spitzer acted like hᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚe didn’t🃏 have a care in the world on the campaign trail Friday.

Moore did not return a call seeking comment.

Spitzer is not the only city candidate using the Norman-tied consultant🦹.

Ken Thompson, who has launched an aggressive campaign to unseat Brooklyn District Attorney Charles꧒ Hynes, spent $22,500 on the group.

Hynes, who prosecuted Norman, excoriated Thomp𓃲son through his spokesman.

“We know that Clarence is out there organizing against Hynes. We suspect that this group, which includes his allies, 🍒is part of the funding mechanism,” said Hynes campaign spokesman George Arzt.

“This is hypocrisy for a district att💞orney candidate who is running on an anti-corruption platform.”

Thompson’s spokesman, James Freedland, shot back with his own allegation of hypocrisy, noting Hynes’ campaign manager, Taharka R🍃obinson, was convicted of assault and robbery in 1987.

“While Clarence Norman has no role in Ken’s campaign, District Attorney Hynes’ campaign manager is a convicted felon who served years in prison for assault a🍌nd robbery.

“This shameless hypocrisy is no✤t surprising coming from a DA who refused to investigate V⛦ito Lopez because they are such close friends,” Freedland said.

Campaign records also show Democratic mayoral hopeful Bill Thompson spent $105,000 in two installments 🌳in July and August on Time for Chan🐓ge.

Time for Change does not appear to have a Web site and did not register a phone number with the city Campaign Finance B𒊎oard.

All told, the company has taken in $226,583 in campaign money from city-based candidates sinc♕e June, Campaign Finance Board records show.

Additional reporting by Lisa Hagan