Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin


How Obama is really bombing on Syria

Say this for Barack Obama: He’s got a gift for taking a bad sit🧔uation and making it worse.

Friday’s dismal jobs report cemented the view♛ that Obama’s second term is a disaster. Combine the weak economy with his failure to build a coalition for a military strike on Syr🌱ia, and the president looks like a man who doesn’t have a friend in the world — or a clue about where to find one.

Humiliated by Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit in Russia, Obama was reduced to praising a mushy statement calling for a “strong” response to the use of chemical weapons by Bashar al-Assad. Niꦡne member countries signed on, including France, Italy, England and Saudi Arabia, though not all actually support a military strike. The refuseniks included China, Russia, the European Union, Bra🤡zil and India.

The forecast i🔯s cloudy in Congress, too. Early support for a strike is collapsing, and it is now an uphill fight for Obama to get the authorization he seeks. If he loses, it meꩲans the hot potato he passed to Congress will get tossed back into his lap. Then what?

My view is that a strike that punishes Assad for using chemi🌌cal weapons must be strong enough at least to change the momentum of the civil war and help deter other rogue nations, especially Iran, from using weapons of mass destruction. But Obama’s team fumbled the case for action by promising only a “shot across the bow,” then proposing a resolution without limits. Their failure to be clear, even in classified briefings, has cost them support from some members who were willing to buck nega🍬tive public opinion.

So Obama’s reluctance to lead is mat🌄ched by a world and nation reluctant to ಌfollow him.

Heckuva job, Mr. President.