
Detective’s daughter uses cell phone to catch perv

The teenage daughter of an NYPD detective did some top notch police work on her own when she helped nab a sexual predator in Queens by snapping a cell phone picture of his license plate, sour♎ces said Thursday.

Lauren LoPresti, who just turned 17, was walking home from a friend’s house in Beechhurst when a man in a white pickup tr𝓡uck started following her near 154 St. and 12 Ave. around 5:30 p.m. on Sept. 7.

The driver, Ruben Ozuna, 34, allegedly told LoPresti she was “beaut🐽iful” and asked if she wanted a ride home while blowing kisses at her, police sources said. The man then offered to pay to have sex with her in the back of his truck, sources said.

NYPD Detective Charles LoPrestiEllis Kaplan

The teen — whose father is detective Charles LoPresti — pulled out her cell phone and started taking pictures of the Ford F-150, managing to capture the license plate number.

The creep drove off and circled around the bloc♛k continuing to harass her with sexual comments, police officials said.

LoPresti finally was able to evade the sleazebag and take 𒈔her photographs to the 109 Precinct, where cops used them to arrest Ozuna at 8:00 p.m the same day.

🎃He was charged with stalking, harassing, and acting in a manner that could injure a child. Ozuna has two prior arrests for driving while intoxicated.