
Bloomberg’s progress on schools

Given the sorry state of so many city schools, Mayor Bloomberg’s “victory lap” celebrating some minor successes might seem a stretch. But at least Mike🌞 moved the ball forward — and that’s better than what Bill de Blasio is promisin𝓀g.

Mike and his aides are ᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚbragging that 22 schools here were ranked among the 25 best in the state. They’re proud that city students beat kids in other large cities in New York and almost matched statewide performance averages, despite an abundance of kids here who don’t speak English w꧂ell and greater levels of poverty.

True, the bigger story is bleak⛦: Less than a third of city kids passed the state math test, and barely a quarter passed English. And critics may be right that Bloom𒊎berg is “cherry-picking” by singling out these 22 schools. After all, 16 are “elite” schools with high admissions standards, and two are charters, which the city doesn’t run.

But as Bloomberg notes, when he took office, no cit🔯y school made it into the top 25.

He’s w♉orked hard to create more charters, close bad schools and open good oneꦇs. So, yes, there has been some progress.

That would not likely be the case under de Blasio. Remember, the Democratic mayoral hopeful boldly vows to keep failing schools open. He opposes charters, which have shown the greatest gains. And he offers nothing to suggest any schools w🌟ould improve. (Given his close ties to the teachers union, it’s logical to expect him to put its interests over those of kids.)

GOP mayoral hopeful Joe Lhota, by c🌄ontrast, supports key Bloomberg reforms, like charters, that drive gains in the scꦦhools.

No, Mike’s gains aren’t enough. But then, they might’ve been greater if it weren’t for the union and folks like de Blasꦅio. In the end, the question for voters will be: Do you back progress — or its alternative?