
Daughter proud of ‘badass’ de Blasio

Bill de Blasio’s daughter is pro💎ud of her “badass” Democratic🔯 daddy’s illegal travel to a communist dictatorship.

Chiara de Blasio, 18, said one of the big surprises of the camp𝓀aign was learning that her parents honeymooned in Cuba in 1991, according to New York magazine.

The ꦺstory slipped out during oneꦐ of the mayoral primary debates.

“They had always told me they went to Canada. They actually flew out of there to go to Cu⛎ba, but they♛’d never told us. I thought it was awesome. I was like, ‘Why didn’t you tell me that? That’s so badass,’ ” Chiara said.

American citizens are for☂bidden from spending money in Cuba unle𓃲ss they are issued a license by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control.

According C🌳hiara, her dad also went to Nicaragua when the left-wing Sandinistas were in power. His campaign said he worked for a group called Quest for Peace in the 1980s and spent two weeks delivering aid.

Mean👍while, labor-rights activists blasted de Blasio — who regularly rails against New York’s “two cities” — for not paying c��ampaign interns.

“Walk☂ the walk, de Blasio,” said Eric Glatt, an intern labor-rights advocate with Occupy Wall Str🐼eet.

A de Blasio campaign spokesman dismissed the criticism, saying interns are typically not paid in politic💯al campaigns.