
Yankees GM’s ex-mistress sees celeb shrink

The former mistress of Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman flew to Florida last week to be evaluated by a celebrity psychologist — who testified at the trials of O.J. Simpson and Nancy Kissel — as part of a bizarre defense for her upcoming housing fraud trial.

Louise Neathway, who also goes by the last name Meanwell, is hoping Dr. Lenore Walker will help her fight charges that she lied on an application to score below-market rent on her TriBeCa pad by 🌟diagnosing her with battered woman syndrome, The Poā˛Œst has learned.

ÜĢ“When I perform evaluations on people from all over the world, they come to me for two to three days to determine whether they 🐭are still suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and battered woman syndrome,” said Walker, a professor at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale.

The doctor, who coined tęĻ‡he syndrome, said it is a type of PTSD caused by physical and sexual abuse by an intimate partner.

NeađŸŦthway claimed that she needed the cut-rate housing because she alone supported their daughter and her ex, Jason Bump, l꧟ived in England.

Bump actually has sole custody of their 15-year-old and lives ęĻ—upstate. The kooky stunner who separated from Bump in♏ 1998 got more than $50,000 in breaks on the Leonard Street one-bedroom.

The curvy blond’s defense lawyer Lawrence LaBrew claims his client only lied on the rental application because she feared her ex-husband who she has claimed beat her for years, according to court papers.

“The defendant feared having any possible contact with Jason Bump, and also f𝕴eared mentioning Jason Bump’s name to any third party,” LaBrew wrote in court documents.

Walker has testified on behalf of hundreds of women who’ve killed their abusive husbands, explaini🌟ng their violent behavior as self defense triggered by PTSD.

In 1995, Walker caused an uproar when she testified for the defense in the Simpson murder trial, arguing that the convicted woman batterer didn’t fit the profile of a man who would kill his w🐎ife.

Out on $300,000 bail, Neathway got special permission from Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Jill Konviser to travel to the shrink appoęĻ…iℱntment.

She’s back in court this Tuesday.

Once her housing woes wrap up, she still faces charges she extorted $6,000 and attempted to extort $15,000 from then-marᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚried Yankee GM Cashman by threatening to go public with their lurid affair.