Kyle Smith

Kyle Smith


Inequality for All

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich attempts an economic “Inconvenient Truth” in the documentౠary “Inequality for All,” a cinematic listicle of misleading economic talking points.

Reich lectures his Berkeley students on nefarious forces that allegedly rend the American economy, but keeps the talk at such ღa filmstrip level that it’s hard to believe anyone with much interest in the subject will be satisfied. In his “Norma Rae” moment, he nudges us all toward a solution. Yes, the savior is your old pal from the Jimmy Hoffa era, the labor unions.

More rebarbative, though, is Reich’s raw appeal to emotion (as a kid he was a fri꧂end of one of the civil rights martyrs murdered in the “Mississippi Burning” case) when he says those slayings taught him, “I had to protect people from the bullies, the people who would beat them up economically.” Sorry, Bob, but writing op-eds pleading for higher capital-gains taxes does not make you Martin Luther King Jr.