
Patience a virtue in Twitter feeding frenzy

Twitter shares Wednesday closed at $42.60, down 5.5 from their opening price🐲 last week — proving onc🌺e again that the early bird into a tech IPO often gets cheated.

A story in The Post last week showed hot tech🌠 IPOs often wilt after their first five days of trading — giving the patient investor an advꦯantage over𝔉 those rushing in on Day 1.

In fact, waiting a week to invest in a randomly selected basket of nine hot tech initial public offerings over꧂ the last 15 years would have given the patient investors a 63 percent higher return compared with those who jumped in on the opening price.

Twitter shares opened Nov. 7 at $45.10 — playing true to t🎃ꦡhe form revealed by The Post’s research.

The formula worked when it came to Facebook✨, G🌸roupon, Yahoo!, Pandora, Amazon, Zynga and LinkedIn.

Out of the 10 stocks, including Twitter, only Google and Yahoo! wer𒀰e more expensive a week after they first sold shares to the public.

Of course, wh🔯ether Twitter is a good buy even at a 5.5 percent discount to the open remains a hot topic of debate.

In Europe, in💟vestors are already starting to pile into warrants that predict Twitter’s shares will drop to below $28 a share by next spring, Bloomberg News reported.

“We ha🎀ve seeܫn strong interest on the short side ever since Twitter started trading above its IPO price,” Heiko Geiger of Bank Vontobel Europe told Bloomberg.