
Idle de Blasio staffers paid to play while waiting for roles

More than a dozen mayoral staffers have been awaiting job placements for three weeks — and have so little to do that they’re watching Netflix and pl🀅ayꦕing cards while on the government payroll, The Post has learned.

The staffers, ranging from entry-level employees to managers and deputy advisers — and wไho worked for Mayor de Blasio when he was the city’s public advocate — had been promised better titles and salaries in the new admi🍸nistration, according to a source.

But since de Blasio took office on Jan. 2, they’ve been “twiddling their thumbs” in a third-floor o🐽ffice at 253 Broadway across from Cityও Hall watching movies, playing cards, learning a second language or going on afternoon shopping sprees downtown.

The bored staffers have even been betting on how l👍ate the persistently tardy mayor will be at his press conferences.

All are collecting salaries.

“They’ve very demoralized, very fru🔯strated and very bored. There’s a lot of tension because none of them knows what’s happening,” said the source.

“It’s like, come on — you could have figur♈ed this out a long time ago.”

The de Blasio staffers — some of whom have been with him for several years and others who pitched in on his campaign even when he was running in fourth place — ar༒en’t the only ones waiting to be assig﷽ned jobs.

A host of agencies — including the depar🍸tments of Buildings, Parks and City Planning, as well as the Housing Authority — are operating without commissioners.

Several other agencies — including the Fire Department, Sanitation and the O🌊ffice of Emergency Management — have hold-over commissioners who are in place only temporarily.

“It reall♔y plays into the notion [de Blasio is] dragging his heels,” the source told The Post.

“🎶He’s leﷺaving so many people hanging who have been loyal to him for so long.”

City Hall officials confirmed that some of the staffers in de Blasio’s form𓃲er office haven’t yet been given formalized roles. But they insisted that everyone was working, either on the transition or for the administration.

They pointed to Jeff Merritt, a former senior adviser to the ex-public advocate, who’s working with the Department of 🍎Information Technology & Telecommunications. And Roberto Perez, a former deputy chief of staff, has been assigned to the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

But the idle staffers say they haven’t been given assignments beyond occ🌺asional busy-work — like matching résumés that have been submitted to the administratꦦion’s transition team with the appropriate agencies, according to the source.

They’ve also been compiling a list of board members de Blasio is responsible for appointing, although he hasn’t 𝐆yet.

“They have 20-year-old 🃏collegeඣ kids who are volunteers doing the same stuff,” the source said.