
Charter-school board members donating to Cuomo’s re-election

Supporters of a charter-school network in Mayor de Blasio’s cross hairs are pouring big bucks into the campaign coffers of Gov. Cuomo, a friend of♍ charter schools.

Records show board members at the growing Success Academy, which runs 22 charters in the ci🦩ty, have given $375,367 to Cuomo’s re-election campaign — including $90,000 since de Blasio won the mayor’s race𒈔 last year.

Suc🦂cess is run by de Blasio nemesis Eva Moskowitz.

Contributors aren’t shy about their reasons. Cuomo backs charters, and de Blasio’s anti-charter🗹 rhetoric scares them𓂃.

“Mayor de Blasio is an extremist. There’s no other w💟ay to put it,” Success board member Charles Strauch told The Post. “De Blasio is out to take money from the rich and redistribute it. He’s made it very clear. It’s my own way of expressing support for Cuomo.”

♍Strauch, a businessman and schools philanthropist, added that charters were a major factor in his support of Cuomo.

“Would I give any money to de Blasio? Absolutely not. No way. I won’t be giving money to him. It is important t💦o support politicians who have stated their supportಌ for the charter system,” Strauch said.

De Blasio has pledged to start charg🎶ing rent to charter schools that have space in 💯city buildings.

And he singled out Success Academy CEO ♊Moskowitz, who served with de Blasio in the City Council, for having a “destructive impact” on public education.

“It’s time for Eva Moskowitz to stop having the run of the place,” de Blasio said at a🧸 candidates forum before the teachers union last year.

“She has to stop being tolerated enabled supported . . . It wouldn’t happen if she didn’t have a lot of money, power and political privilege behind h♔er. And if the Department of Education didn’t say ‘yes, ma’am’ every single time, and that’s going to end when I’m mayor.”

Success Academy spokeswoman Kerri Lyon said de Blasio’s position “does🔥n’t make any sense.”

“We are serving some of the city’s most disadvantaged students, and we are serving them extraordinarily we♏ll, and we hope to continue to provide a great education to these kids,” she said.

Cuomo, for his part, is ༒proposing to expand the role of ch🤡arter schools.

He spoke at a fundraiser before the pro-charter Democrats for Education Reform in November, where he took in $250,000 for his re-election. In January, the group kicked in another $14,000 through its polit💦ica🤪l action committee.

The group’s executive director, Joe Williams, said charter backers are “baffled” by de Blasio’s refusal to allow the state to fund universal pre-K, as offered by Cuomo. The🔴 mayor wants pre-K paid for by a tax hike on the wealthy, which he says is a more reliable revenue source

“He seems to be showing signs that he’s more interested in the tax increase than providing pre-K,” Williams sa🌼id.