Phil Mushnick

Phil Mushnick

College Basketball

Time to end a scary practice

Preventative medicin🌸e: An apple a day, something, something, something.

In a world gone nuts, it makes perfect sense the dangerously illogical — an act of excessive a🐷udience partici🃏pation that has no upside — is now regularly debated among the media, as if stupid is a legitimate, populist position.

There recently have been several more court-stormings by joyous home team college basketball spectators, stampedes in large part driven by wha🔯t participants have witnessed then heard defended on TV, thus these revelers likely felt encouraged, if not obligated, to perform.

Such court-crashings have become more ritual than spontaneous, more fad than function. Heck, fans line the sidelines, five and six-deep, impatie💫nt for the final buzzer to serve as the s🌺tarter’s pistol.

One of tꦿhose recent stormings led to the inevitable: Violence, chaos.

New Mexico State players, in no mood to be suddenly swallowed by celebrants of their overtime loss, threw punches at Utah Valley supporters 📖who had mobbed the co꧋urt. The game had ended ugly, with a New Mexico State player angrily throwing the ball at a Utah꧂ Valley playeꦦr.

That’s right, a just-lost visi♑ting team wꦺas suddenly surrounded by demonstrative, joy-to-the-world, home team fans. What possible bad could come of that?

New Mexico State coach Marvin Menzies told the New York Times what he was caught 🔯in was “an ugly situation that could have turned into a🧸 tragic situation.”

Still, this latest bad-idea-gone-bad doesn’t deter pandering, faux-hip TV guys — Digger Phelps, Doug Gottlieb, Jalen Rose — from supporting court-stormin𒀰g as a group-fun activity, a good way to display full-bodied, student body school spirit.

That the incidence of injuries from falls, trampling and folks just being caught in the crush continue to mount doesn’t prevent such wꦿise men from ignoring such facts.

Heck, ESPN’s “Outside The Lines” produced a piece on those injured in court-stormings, including a kid headed for Stanfor💦d on an athletic scholarship until he was knocked down, and suffered a brain injury in one of these as-seen-on-TV fun runs.

So let’s try this again …

I don’t know if any of the🍌se hooray-for-court-storming geniuses have ever been caught in a human vise, arms pinned to their side, a surge from behind suddenly disa💦bling them as helpless, but I have.

It was 1977; I was in L.A., covering the Cosmos, and I’d preceded Pele off the team ඣbus. Elton John, who ownᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚed a piece of L.A.’s pro soccer team, was scheduled to be there to greet Pele.

As Pele appeared at the top of the bus’ steps, a sudden, as in instant, surge of excited people sealed me to those surrounding me. And just as suddenly, I’d lost control; my feet and arms were nꦉo longer my call. Same with those near me. We were lost to the surge: Left, right, back, forward.

Had a space opened, a heap of humans would have fallen and stacked; who knows after that. Terrifying. That I’ll never forget it is involuntary. I can’t forget it.

When my younger kid enrolled in a Big Ten sch𒐪ool, I made her vow if she ever attended a game that carried the slightest scent of a storming, she’d move back and up, away from the court.

My suggestion to mirthful, let-kids-be-kids, court-storming advocates is they try this: Go to the beach. Have your arms tied to your sides, immobilized. Back into the ocean until you’re about🍎 shoulders-high. Then wait for a wave, even a small o♔ne.

New Mexico State coach Menzies can𒅌 now distinguish the percept꧂ion of court-storming from the reality:

“Looking at it on TV it looks like, great, they’re celebraꦜting. It’s all good. [But] I’m telling you it was scary. My personal feeling is fans belong in the stands and players on the court.”

Imagine that.

As for those high-profile media adults who remain advocates or even indulgent of court-storming, let’s make a deal: You guys privately encourage the kids in your lives to participate, but leave ours alone. 

Turns out Boeheim charging ref wasn’t so Smart

Reader Frank Cat🎃roppa can’t figure it out, either:

Marcus Smart, 19-year-old Oklahoma State star, was suspended three g🐠ames for shoving a mouth🦩y fan. Many of TV’s basketball experts agreed the punishment fit, as per “the kid lacks maturity.”

Soon after, 69-year-old Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim🍃, paid millions to recruit and coach kids in th🌌eir late teens, was ejected after charging on the court to go after a ref.

“Of course,” wrote Catroppa, “on TV, the sಞame guys just laughed and 💙cut Boeheim slack. Some even suggested that a questionable call justified his behavior.”

Fair point regarding MLB replay

Expanded MLB TV replay? Great idea, right? You know the chant: “As long as the 💙technology is in place to get it right, why not get it right?”

OK, so a replay challenge shows the shot hit down the line that wa fജirst ruled f🌼oul, actually was fair. Now what?

How bas🌠eball su𒉰rvived this long without replay is a mystery!

Right way isn’t wrong

Despite the fact Kevin Burkhardt is hard-working, modest, pleasant, works without pre-fab gimmicks and doesn’t holler at every chance, FOX keeps promoting him, anyway. Go fig🌠ure.

W🌊hile Carmelo Anthony considers himself special, we wonder if he realizes his specialty has become stuꦇnting the growth of his teams. Then again, minimalist-minded coaches and impressionable, money-to-burn, basketball-ignorant team owners have a way of enabling that.

That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing, Mrs. Cleaver: Boomer Esiason’s a latter day Eddie Haskell. On his 🌳weekday WFAN/CBSSN show he now regularly and effortlessly speaks gratuito𒐪us crudities, yet Sundays on CBS’ NFL studio show, he’s a perfect gentleman.

One of the great characters of broadcasting, Pete Weber, first and only Voice of the Nashville Predators, is recovering from a heart attack. Naturally, his hockey and media buddies seized the opportunity to bust 🔯his chops, even delivering a huge, “It’s A Girl!” balloon to his hospital room.

Brendon de Jonge was three-over aftཧer four holes Thursday, and hadn’t yet been seen when NBC’s Golf Channel suddenly focused on him just before he hit a long approach to 3 feet. Still, we were supposed to think we were watching live TV.

Seth Everett, Syracuse University and Jersey guy, will be the new “Ed Colemꦡan” — Mets’ wraparound host on WOR Radio.

News-side colleagues Andy Soltis and Marcy Cohen Soltis have packed it in. Together, they totaled a mere 84 years 🎐and nine months at The Post. Couple of quitters.