
Downtown residents want to bring farmers market to WTC

Downtown residents are rallying for a farmers market to rep🐼lace security lin♊es at the 9/11 memorial.

Officials say that when the National September 11 Memorial & Museum opens, construction fences surrounding the me🔴morial’s reflecting pools will come down — along with the security checkpoint and ticketing area on Albany an🌳d Greenwich streets.

Now community board members are pushing the Port Authority to open up the ticketing tent𝔉 for a greenmarket.

“This would be an opportunity to take something that could become a parking lot . .🔴 . and make it come alive,” Community Board 1 Chair Catherine McVay Hughesജ told The Post.

Before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the World 𓆏Trade Center was home to one of the city’s busiest markets for more than a decade.

PA officials did not return requests for comment 𝔉on the future of the ti🐷cketing area.