
Professor plans to challenge Gov. Cuomo in Dem primary

It looks like Gov. Cuomo will face a Democratic primary in his bid for🌊 re-reelection.

Liberal professor Zephyr Teachout told a Manhattan Democratic club that petitions to advan⛎ce her candidacy will be circulating beginning F🌱riday.

Teachout challenged Cuomo for the Working Families Party ballot line last month. Cuomo beat her surprising insurgency but only after much arm twisting by Mayor de Blasioꦚ and union leaders who bankroll the leftist WFP.

Teachout announced her campaign team while seeking the endorsement of the Village Independent Club Thursday night.
WFP field director Mile Boland is quitting his party post 🌸to run her campaign.

“We’re coming out with our petitions (Friday),” Boland told the ViD members.

He said a running mate for lieutenant governor “we’re super excited about” also will be announced shortly.

Labor lawyer Arthur Schwartz is her treasurer.

Teachout, a professor at Fordham University, said she hopes to raise enough money to run a credible campaign against the well-funded incumbent.”

“My commitment to this campaign is I will tell the truth,” she said.