
Daffodil Project considering project for Dutch MH17 victims

New York City flowers may bloom in the Netherlands in honor of those killed aboard Malaysia Aꦏirlines Flight 17♊.

Officials from greenspace group New Yorkers for Parks are considering a flower-planting project in remembrance of the 193 🎃Dutch citizens killed in the attack on the jetliner, a spokesman said Saturday.

The group oversees the Daffodil Proje𝓰ct, which began after 9/11 when a Dutch flower supplier and the city of Rotterdam sent 1 mill🍌ion bulbs to the Big Apple. Since then, schoolchildren have planted nearly 5 million daffodils across the city.

A flower-planting program in honor of Flight 17’s Dutch vi♓ctims “is in line with the spirit of🐲 the project,” said the group’s spokesman, James Yolles.