
Firefighters outraged FDNY is searching phone records for press leaks

FDNY firefighterź¦s are fighting the departmentā€™s snooping into their personal phone recź¦ords to hunt the source of news leaks.

Outraged by FDNY tactics ā€” including subpoenaing cellphone records ā€” the Uniformed Fire Officers Association ā€œstrongly recommendsā€ that members not give the departmentź¦… their numbers and delete them from their personnel files, The Post has learned.

The department needs cellphone numbers to reach off-duty pš“”ersonnel in a major emergency. But recently it has been searching phone records to check if members called reporters.

ā€œThe FDNY is so paranoid about leaks to the media, theyā€™re scanning pšŸ§”hone records and have a dedicated operatiošŸ“n to flush them out,ā€ a retired member said. ā€œTheyā€™re more concerned about bad press than their bad policy.ā€

FDNY spokesman Jim Long deš’clined to comment on ā€œopen anā–Ød active investigations.ā€